Category "toaster"

must I toast bread over a flame or are HOT toasters still made somewhere? [closed]

I am tired of waiting and getting only dehydrated bread with a hint of color. Toasters these days just don't get hot enough! My sister has the

What are the benefits, if any, of using a pizza stone in a toaster oven?

My Oven Toaster Grill. From here: What kind of bakery items do not get horribly affected by electricity going off when the item is still in oven? Toaster o

How to clean a toaster from inside?

This is the toaster that I have. I wish to clean it from inside. It has got a kind of wire mesh inside it. What's the way out?

Toasting bagel in my oven

How much energy am I wasting by toasting my bagel in my big oven? Should I get a toaster?

What does the "bagel" setting on toasters do?

Usually, I put slices of bread in my toaster. Sometimes, I toast bagels. On my toaster, there's a little button that says "bagel". How does this setting toas

How to cook waffles intended for freezer-then-toaster?

I intend to cook a bunch of waffles to be stored in the freezer and later retrieved for warming in a toaster or on the racks of a hot oven. I want a homemade ve

Butter melt inside the toaster

My toaster is smoking and activating the fire alarm. I tried to clean the tray and the dust from the inside. I shook it pretty much and many black "things" came

Compact steel toaster ovens without glass?

Are there any compact, counter-top, steel toaster ovens that do not have glass windows? The closest I've been able to find are Wisco's pizza ovens, but I would

How can I reheat Onion Bhajis without an oven or hub to make them crispy?

The UK lunch culture being what it is, microwaveable ready meals and snacks are a big thing, and most companies have a microwave and a toaster. While that works

Should I use my toaster oven for slow roasting?

I have a couple small tomatoes (about the size of a plum tomato) that I'm thinking of trying to oven-dry to see if we like them. Most recipes I've seen call for

How do I find a toaster that doesn't "leak" crumbs from the bottom?

Every toaster I've owned seems to "leak" crumbs from the bottom, requiring constant clean up. You could put it into a tray of some sort but unless you 3D-print