Category "wok"

Wok preparation and caring

What is a good technique for initially seasoning a wok, keeping it seasoned, and preventing rust?

Is it ok to use a metal turner in a wok?

Is it ok to use a metal utensil when turning or serving food in a (seasoned, steel) wok? I suspect that the wok surface may get scratched, but it doesn't seem t

What kind of wok should I get?

I saw the question on the site about preparing a wok, but I'm curious what kind I should get. I have heard of stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, etc. Also

How best to pan-fry tofu?

I love fried tofu, but I don't want to have a deep fryer in my home (I'll use it too much!). I've tried a few different techniques for pan-frying tofu, but it

Small black specks on wok food

When I bake vegetables in my wok, I see small black specks appear on the vegetables. Does this mean that the fire is too high, or that my wok is not well enough

What's the best order to add ingredients to a Stir Fry?

I make nice stir-fry with bell peppers, mushrooms, onion, sugar-snaps, jalapenos and bean sprouts (and anything else that might be handy and in danger of being

Can I take off the gas deflector on my stove for cooking with a wok?

This question might be Off-Topic, due to the gas involvement, although it is equipment related, but I'll see what people think. I have a gas stove top, and I l

Possible to Cook with a Wok on an Electric Hot Plate?

My kitchen currently consists of little more than an electric grill/hot plate combo, one wok and one non-stick pot/pan. Woks, it seems to me, were really desig

Wok and electric hob - which ring to use?

I've a flat electric hob (the gets-very-hot type, not induction) upon which I cook. When using my wok (which is flat-bottomed) I place it on the largest ring,

What is wok hai and how do I get it in my food?

There is something special about food cooked in a wok called wok hai? What is it and how do I get my food to have it?

Suitable oil for woking?

I know some oil is not suitable for woking. Like sunflower oil and olive oil? What oil is best suitable for woking and which oil is not suitable?

Can I use a Wok ring on a gas range?

I have just purchased a GE Cafe gas range. The user guide indicates: Do not use a wok on the cooking surface if the wok has a round metal ring that is place

What is the best oil to use when cooking in a wok? [duplicate]

I like cooking a lot of stir-fry which I generally cook in a wok at high temperature. I generally use vegetable oil but I've also heard peanut

How to cook using a wok

I've heard that using a wok helps ensure not only perfectly cooked meats and vegetables, it also just makes food taste better. I've purchased a new wok and am l

What are some good tips or techniques for using a carbon steel wok on electric coil range?

I was just given a carbon steel wok for christmas. I used it to cook my first stir-fry vegetable dish and I noticed on that the directions indicated to cook on

Camping stove to supplement an electric hob

I've got basic electric hobs in my kitchen which do a fine job - but a lot of cookbooks suggest that certain things would be best done on an open flame/gas hob

Wok: Carbon steel or cast iron?

I LOVE stirfrying (I probably do it 4 times a week) and I want to take it to the next level (or 2). I am going to get this burner to cook my stirfry's out on th

Thick carbon layer on wok?

I just got a 100,000 BTU burner for wok cooking. Today when I used it, I got a very thick layer of carbon on the wok (see picture below). Is that normal? Should

Determining a wok's material

I bought a wok at a Goodwill a little while ago and haven't really used it for much yet. I don't know how to determine what material it's actually made out of.

How to fry in a wok without burning oil?

So I have a wok that I really love using for stir frys / curries because of its high walls. I'm having a lot of trouble though keeping the oil from smoking. I