Category "uht"

Can UHT milk be used to make yogurt?

So I know you can't use UHT milk to make cheese, because of the way the proteins get denatured at that temperature. But can you use it to make yogurt?

Why do some countries prefer UHT milk and cream?

My wife and I recently moved to Belgium. We were absolutely shocked by the fact that UHT (long life) milk and cream dominate supermarket shelves compared to pa

How is UHT milk heated to a high temperature for only 1–2 seconds?

I've read that UHT milk is pasteurized by heating the milk to a high temperature (e.g. 135 degrees Celsius / 275 °F) for an extremely short period — a

UHT Milk: small white floating stuff?

Sometimes the UHT milk I use has some small floating white particles (about 1 cm long, few mm wide) This is milk that has been kept sealed at room temp (30-35C

What is "reconstituted" milk?

Here in Chile nearly all milk you can buy in supermarkets is UHT milk in tetra bricks. Some brands state on the carton that the milk is "reconstituted", while o

UHT cream storage - temperature extremes

I buy canned Anchor brand butter, which is sent by road unrefrigerated where afternoon temperatures are around 29C, sometimes higher. On one occasion I received