Category "reduction"

How should I add wine to the sauce for my duck?

I have some chicken stock that I've made, that I want to use as a base for a sauce for some duck. I am roasting the duck bones at the moment and will simmer th

How can I make very small quantities of balsamic reduction?

Last night, a dish called for a drizzle of balsamic reduction. I thought that, in order to get a good reduction and not burn anything, I'd need way more balsami

How do you reduce a cream sauce?

My wife made a cream based sauce last night and the recipe said to "reduce" it. The cream sauce was comprised of some white wine, couple cups of heavy cream and

My tomato sauce is very watery

It has flavor, but its consistency is too thin. Will letting sit over medium low heat evaporate enough to increase its density or is this useless? Would bringin

Why does my red wine reduction go 'grainy'?

After frying some meat, say beef or lamb, sometimes I want to make a red wine reduction. After lifting the meat out of the pan I turn the heat down to low and

Pan instead of a skillet

I'm going to be cooking salmon in a white wine sauce & the directions indicate that I need to use a skillet. I don't have one of these, would I be able to u

What if anything make a liquid a good candidate for a reduction?

What if anything makes a liquid a good candidate for a reduction? Often you see things like wines and fruit juices called to be reduced for recipes. Why are t

Which cut makes cheapest goulash?

I found I like goulash very much, but the bang for the buck is rather poor - I don't get much made for the amount of meat used up. I tried using different cuts

I want to know how to express the result of reduced liquid.

I want to know the best way to express the result of reduced liquid. Example; 5 quarts reduced to 3 Cups. Should it be expressed as ratio or percentage? How do

Does quality decrease by heavily reducing wine?

Somewhere I read a suggestion to reduce wine separately before making a red wine sauce. After doing that, the alcohol taste is always gone, and I can control th

How to reduce a sauce at the bottom of a baking dish?

A recipe I'm interested in making asks to bake some vegetables in the oven in a baking dish, afterwards, to reduce any remaining liquid by putting the pan on a

Squash Casserole: Reducing the water content?

I love squash casserole, summer squash or zucchini. I notice when I use the zucchini, there seems to be a much greater water content and it makes it hard to se

How do I know when my sauce is reduced enough?

I followed this recipe over the weekend to try out something new: Eric Ripert's Red Snapper and Morels in Port Reduction My biggest issue was the sauce. It was

Is it possible to reduce without boiling?

I would like to concentrate flavour by reducing the water content but I do not wish to alter the temperature of the liquid. Is there a way to reduce the water

What is "au sec"?

I am looking at making a variation of Alain Passard's egg, the Farm Egg with Corriander. The instructions are somewhat clear, with the key exception being the

How do I concentrate the flavor in orange juice?

I poured squeezed orange juice over my meatballs and I thought how well it complements them, but that it's too watery to enjoy with meat. I proceeded to reduce

How do I know when my wine is properly reduced?

I guess it can be subjective according to tastes, but some reduction is required. If I could know what I am trying to do away with in the reduction process (alc

When reducing, why do you simmer instead of boil?

All recipes call for simmering a dish if you wish to reduce. I know that if for example if I wish to reduce wine, it will take me double the time or even more i

When should you season sauce that needs to be reduced?

I just thought about how seasoning a sauce is not a wise decision because if it needs to through reduction like marinara then the flavors would get too concentr

Can you cook off the acidity in wine?

My marinara was strangely too acidic than before even though I used canned tomatoes which are normally ripe, but then I remembered I added white wine to the fla