Category "russian-cuisine"

How to cook pelmeni in the microwave?

Is it possible to cook pelmeni (пельмени) — Russian meat dumplings — in the microwave without any pr

What would convert this chili recipe into a Russian chili?

Not sure exactly how to ask this. I was looking for a Russian Chili Recipe, and being from Siberia myself I never really encountered it before. Therefore I took

How do I make authentic Russian black bread?

I am interested in making the dense pungent black bread that is traditional in Russia. Recipes for black bread are varied and seem to disagree with one another.

Good thread for tying meat

I want to prepare kotlet de volaille. It'a a bit like Cordon Bleu, but using the natural pocket in chicken breast, and inside is just butter and fresh herbs. I

What's the difference between stroganoff and goulash?

I know there are variants of stroganoff and goulash that are quite similar - to a point I could not tell one apart from the other. What are the defining propert

How did/do the Russians make carrot tea?

A while ago I read a book about the Russian Civil War (it was Blood on the Snow by Emanuel Litvinoff) in which the characters frequently drank coffee made out o

How to make beet kvass in Winter?

I often make fermented beet kvass. This was going well in summer, but now in the colder weather the environment is too cold for the kvass to ferment properly.

Why does my beet kvass taste bad?

I took 4 medium beets, chopped them up in a medium dice, put the beets in a 1-gallon Pickl-It jar. I added 1 ½ tablespoon unrefined sea salt, added filte

Russian Vobla - ratio for the brine?

A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting several people from Moldova who were briefly living here in the USA. One of the fun things we did was a sort of "c

How are beef cuts labeled in Russian?

I looked up cut of beef on Wikipedia. There are no Russian names for cuts. I'm wondering what they're all called in Russian.

Exactly how much is "one glass", in Russian recipes?

In many many Russian recipes, measurements call for one glass or this one glass of that. One glass in Russia, appears to be a similar concept to what one cup i

Kind of Russian pierogi

When I was younger, we had a yearly "Taste of Tacoma" in Tacoma, WA. There was a booth that had this Russian, I think, pierogi. However, I remember what I had a

Raw Eggs in Hot Black Tea: Common in Ukraine? Correct Preparation?

I just heard an account from someone who studied in the Soviet Union in the late 1950's, early 1960's. She said when she was served given a glass with a raw eg

Making sauerkraut with fish sauce instead of salt?

Experimenting on an idea. So I can make the best Reuben. Making sauerkraut for the first time. Using a basic recipe, 1 head of cabbage(3lbs.) To 1 1/2 Tbl. Sa

Multi-purpose grilling apparatus possible for BBQ and shashlik possible?

In Russia and Central Asia, they make shashlik on a mangal. A major difference is that the mangal does not have a grate that is the spits with meat pieces are d

How to make authentic black Russian bread? [duplicate]

I'm trying to re-create the authentic black Russian bread that was first mass produced during soviet times. Nowadays you can find it in any Ru

Russian Pie Recipe breaks into little pieces?

I am trying to make Russian Pies, I tried following the recipe in this video. I put 3 1/2 Cups of All Purpose Flour in a bowl. And then I put 2 tbl spoons of b