Category "pizza-stone"

How do you clean a pizza stone?

I have a charcoal grill (Big Green Egg) that has a ceramic insert that can be used as a heat shield or as a pizza stone. My stone is black from drippings and s

What are other uses for a pizza stone?

I recently acquired a pizza stone to use for baking bread. Other than pizza and bread, are there other uses for it in the kitchen?

Storing Pizza Stone in Oven

I have heard that you can leave a pizza stone in the oven all the time, essentially storing it there. What are the considerations to keep in mind when doing th

Use the back of a granite chopping board as a pizza stone?

We've got a 40x30cm granite chopping board that I never use (it's more decorative than useful), and I've wondered for a while if it might work as a pizza stone.

Cooking with a pizza stone

As per a recent question of mine I intend to use the underside of an old granite chopping board as a makeshift pizza stone, once I've finishing testing that it

Making cookies on a pizza stone

Years and years ago, I had a pizza stone, and discovered that it was great for making thin and crispy cookies. That pizza stone cracked in half, and it was only

transfer pizza onto stone without sticking

After I have made my pizza and put the toppings onto it, I find that I am unable to transfer the pizza on to the pizza stone in the oven. When I try to do it t

domestic bread steaming -> will my stone be okay?

Trying to maximise the oven rise of my loaf, and think I will try the steaming method, but what is the best way to do this in a domestic electric oven, and will

How do I season my new pizza stone?

I just bought my first pizza stone. The instructions that came with it recommend that I wash it thoroughly with plain water before using it for the first time.

Pizza Stone in Electric Oven

I would like to invest in a pizza stone and have read that leaving it in the oven is acceptable and possibly preferable in some ways. However, my oven my electr

Should I "bake" a pizza stone before the first use?

I've just bought a pizza stone. The manufacture recommend to put the stone in high temperature (220°C) for two hours before the first use. No one on the

Why you shouldn't use soap to clean a pizza stone? or some pans and pots?

I was reading answers to this question How do I season my new pizza stone? and many people advised not to use soap on a pizza stone, I don't have a pizza stone

Use of pizza stone in gas oven

I have a new gas kitchen stove. The oven seems to burn so easily. I have a thermometer in there and it is registering the temp that I have the oven set on. I

How do I ensure my deep dish crust gets cooked

I've made a couple of deep dish pizzas over the last several months and I occasionally get either a soggy or a not cooked crust. I've been pushing the dough in

What are the impacts of a worn pizza stone?

While cleaning out my oven I noticed that there were some chips in my pizza stone (the one below is about 1.5" long). I would like to know what the impact is,

how to seal a pizza stone [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How do I season my new pizza stone? I have a ceramic pizza stone, but ive heard it needs to be "sealed" with a coa

Differences between the oven stone and the pizza oven?

I'm undecided between buying an oven stone, or a pizza oven (like I can't find any helpful suggestion - does anybody have any comment? I'm

Grinding melted latex off a pizza stone?

My fiance and I got a pizza stone for christmas, and are still learning how to use it. Tonight we accidentally used a potholder which had silk-screened designs

What are the benefits, if any, of using a pizza stone in a toaster oven?

My Oven Toaster Grill. From here: What kind of bakery items do not get horribly affected by electricity going off when the item is still in oven? Toaster o

Neapolitan Pizza in a regular gas oven

I am trying to master the homemade Neapolitan pizza, from dough preparation to cooking it. After following the recommendations at for the dough