Category "quickbread"

Over-stirring muffin mixtures

In muffin recipes, the instructions often say to stir the mixture till "just combined". Why does over-stirring the muffin mixture result in tough muffins? An

What's wrong with my technique in this Belgian Liège Waffle recipe?

I've been using this awesome recipe to make Belgian Liège waffles, but my results are never consistent. Could you guys help me reverse engineer the recip

Do I need to sift flour for quick breads?

I am making mini quick breads for Christmas. The recipe calls for 3 cups of flour. Do I need to sift the flour? If so, should I sift it before or after measur

To make Gluten free pancakes, can I just substitute regular flour with Gluten free flour?

Will a normal pancake recipe work with Gluten free flour, or do I need to add other ingredients as well?

What to do with crumbled muffins?

I made some muffins that apparently didn't have enough liquid to stick together (perhaps substituting Greek yogurt for sour cream was not such a good idea, as t

Over-stirring muffin mixtures

In muffin recipes, the instructions often say to stir the mixture till "just combined". Why does over-stirring the muffin mixture result in tough muffins? An

How can I add yogurt to a quickbread recipe?

I stumbled upon a recipe for Yogurt-Zucchini bread, and I like the idea of adding yogurt to other quickbread recipes for the texture and flavor, especially whol

Why is my zucchini bread mushy?

I just followed this recipe. My only changes were to add walnuts, and some allspice. After the 50 minute baking time, it was still quite gooey, so I kept it i

What is the problem with overmixing? [duplicate]

Certain recipes (for example, corn bread, buttermilk biscuits) caution against overmixing: you're supposed to add the wet ingredients to the d

How can I make zucchini bread less moist?

I made zucchini bread, and it turned out very tasty but too moist. It was very dense and somewhat sticky - not in an underdone way, though. I actually baked it

problems with buttermilk biscuits

I found the following recipe for buttermilk biscuits: mix 2c flour, 1tsp salt, 1Tbsp baking soda cut 6Tbsp cold butter into mix add 1c buttermilk pat and fold

How to make a proper scone?

I love to eat scones, they are my guilty pleasure, but I can never cook them right, They just become Hockey Pucks, because they are too hard and the size of a p

Can quickbread be prepared in advance?

I would like muffins, banana bread, and the like for breakfast. Could I prepare a quickbread ahead of time such that my husband would just have to pop it in the

Additional Time Needed for Baking Two Loaves of Bread at same time?

How many minutes should you increase the baking time when baking two loaves of beer bread at same time? Recipe calls for one loaf to bake at 375 for 50-55 minu

Additional Cooking Time When baking more than one loaf of quick bread

How much time would I need to increase cooking banana quick bread if I am cooking three loaves together. Time for one is 40 -45 minutes at 350 degrees. I am a

The muffins were rock hard, what did I do wrong?

Here is the recipe I used, I did not mix it for long, as that make the muffins very hard. The muffins were very hard, and had a bad after taste and smell. I m

Why didn't my crumpets cook in the middle?

I tried to make crumpets today, first time I've used yeast so didn't really know what to expect. The recipe I followed was: 450g plain flour 1tsp caster sugar

Baker's Percentages for Baked Doughnuts?

I recently purchased an electric doughnut maker and am about to embark on a baked doughnut spree. Having consulted the few recipes included with the machine al

Quick bread formula?

Hi it seems the recipes for quick breads like banana bread, pumpkin bread etc are all very similar. Is there a good guide for a general quick bread recipe wher

Can I save time by baking banana bread using the convection setting of my oven?

I am following a banana bread recipe that calls for you to heat a conventional oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and cook the banana bread batter for one hour.