Category "corn"

How do you cook corn on the cob on BBQ?

Do you remove peel and wrap it in tin foil ? Do you put it directly on gril (with peel) ? How much time ?

What's a good technique for cooking fresh corn in the microwave?

What techniques for cooking fresh corn in the microwave give good results? Should I peel it, should I add water, salt, butter, etc.

How should I choose corn?

What should I look for when I'm buying corn on the cob? We have a lot of roadside corn stands where we live, and I'm never sure how to pick the best ears.

Tips for Removing Silk from Corn?

Does anyone have any tips for how to easily and quickly remove silk from ears of corn? I find that it takes a long time to pick it all out.

How To Tell When Corn is Done With Boiling

When boiling corn, how can I tell when it's done? I usually remove the husk and silk. Would there be any advantage to leaving them on when boiling?

Is it safe to eat Raw Corn?

I saw a recipe for a Summer Salad that said to sprinkle raw corn on top for a "crunch" effect - I've never eaten raw corn and was wondering if it was safe. I'm

Is It Possible to make corn tortillas at home without a press?

I don't own a tortilla press and until I have more cabinet space, one is not in my future. However I value making as much as I can from scratch and love using

How do you cook corn kernels on BBQ?

I recently had some BBQ corn where the corn was in individual kernels. I'm wondering how this would be done on a BBQ... would you grill the corn on the cob, the

Roasting corn in the oven

I am trying to roast the corn in the oven, by: leaving it in its husk wrapping it in tin-foil There are results, but far from real-grill roasted corn. Any poi

Trouble making corn tortillas

I have tried a variety of experiments to make corn tortillas, but the results have been far from satisfactory The only masa I can get this corner of the world

Making corn bread pudding from corn bread

I have a large batch of corn bread that's about to go bad, a situation I'd like to salvage by turning it into corn bread pudding. Unfortunately, all of the reci

Cooking polenta: is stirring for 30 minutes really necessary?

In every polenta recipe I have ever seen, the authors insist that the polenta has to be stirred over low heat for half an hour or so before it is thoroughly coo

Whats the difference between white and yellow corn meal. and all cornmeal or half flour half cornmeal

I usually make cornbread with white corn meal and no sugar. I like the no sugar part, but I want to experiment with the batter a bit. What are the following cha

Would ground "popcorn meal" differ from regular corn meal?

Purely a theoretical question I'm afraid - I haven't experimented (yet). If you take popped popcorn and grind it to a flour, would the result be similar to corn

What is the ratio for soft polenta?

I want to cook a soft polenta. I would like the consistency to be like pudding - just firm enough to hold a shape (it doesn't flow out of the spoon if you take

What is the most efficient way to remove kernels from a corn cob?

I have access to as much sweet corn as I want, so I would like to remove the kernels and store them in the freezer. What is the most efficient (low time, high

What are the modern or recommended ways of cooking corn on the cob?

Most recommendations for cooking corn on the cob suggest putting it in boiling water for 10 minutes. I find this very undesirable for a number of reasons: it t

How can I make posole "pop" faster?

I have run into this a few times. I soak dry posole overnight, and then add it to my sweated/sauteed vegetables, add water, and stir it regularly, and it stil

Do you have to refrigerate leftover grilled corn-on-the-cob?

I'm not familiar with any method for this. Usually it's all gone! When grilling the other night, I made way too much food and had lots of leftovers. Do I need

Using Fresh Masa with Tamales

I've always used the Masa Harina in the bag and made masa, but I don't have an electric mixer at the moment to make them fluffy. How do you use fresh masa when