Category "balkan-cuisine"

Does a Romanian omletă ţărănească (peasant omelette) have standard ingredients?

I am currently travelling in Romania and have been enjoying a breakfast each morning of "omletă ţărănească", which can be translated to

Identify this seafood from the Black Sea known in Romanian as "rapane"?

Here on the Black Sea in Romania people are eating a shellfish called in Romanian "rapane" which they translate as "oyster" when I ask. But they are elongated

Can you identify these chiles on sale in Serbia and Macedonia?

In the market in Niš, Serbia yesterday there were the most beautiful capsicums (bell peppers, red peppers) and chiles on display that I've ever seen. Bu

Can you identify this Serbian street food?

Yesterday in Niš, southern Serbia I bought this street food pictured: It looked and tasted like deep fried batter, how fish from a fish and chip shop

How to take care of glazed earthenware?

I got a traditional gyveche (гювече) as a gift, and since it would be hard to replace here, I intend to take good care of it

After you bake eggplant, is it fine to not drain the water?

An eggplant can be baked or grilled; then you peel it. I read that you have to drain it then (e.g. in a colander), even overnight. What if you don't drain the w

What cut of ground beef is ideal to mix with ground lamb for kofta?

I'm attempting to replicate kofta that I had at a Mediterranean place last week. They were a mix of beef and lamb, yet neither flavor was more pronounced than t

What is Bosnian black honey?

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, I bought some black honey that someone was selling on the roadside in unlabeled jars. It was the most delicious honey I've ever had.