Category "pizza-stone"

Baking pizza without an oven

How can I bake a pizza without an oven (or any other fancy stuff, so no suggesting of charcoal, sun oven, and so on). Just using a plain heating element on the

Pizza stone or firebricks to fix uneven cooking

I have a Zanussi commercial gas oven... probably 15 yearas old but in good condition....and it cooks unevenly. Am wondering if placing a pizza stone or firep

Baking side of pizza stone

How do I tell which side of my pizza stone is the top side and is the side to bake a pizza on? I did not buy the stone but was given to me some years ago and I

Crispier pizza crust. What surface to go for in a home oven?

After having read most of serious eats' recommendations for better home oven pizzas, I still have a question regarding the surface to be used to achieve a bette

Why does a pizza stone make my pizza dough bread-like?

I have an aluminum pizza pan with a perforated bottom. It looks like this: Not long ago I purchased a pizza stone, which I got mainly because everyone raves

Is there a significant difference between pizza ovens and conventional ovens with pizza functionality?

I have a small pizza oven (the round ones, with stone), with whom I make an adequate pizza; according to the manuals, temperatures go from 190 to 400 °C, so

Any reason to put cornmeal/semolina on hot pizza stone or steel?

When I first started baking pizza years ago, I read somewhere that one should toss some cornmeal on a hot pizza stone after preheating, just before putting the

Pyrex pie plate on hearthstone

I recently read that one of the methods for keeping the (non-blind-baked) bottom crust of a pie from getting soggy is to preheat a baking pan with the oven and

How do I prepare a pizza stone? [duplicate]

I did nothing to it before I cooked my pizza, and the pizza stuck bad. I need to know what I was suppose to do, and I need to know how to clea

How to make pizza not stick on ceramic stone?

I have a ceramic pizza stone that I believe is 16 inches in diameter. It cooks pizza very well and I try and follow all of the instructions included with the s

Cooking pizza in tiny gas oven with pizza stone

I currently have a tiny gas oven to cook with this summer and I like to cook a lot of pizzas, but I have always cooked them in standard electric home ovens. I

Cooking pizzas using two stones/steel vs one stone/steel in consumer oven

So I use a regular oven to cook my pizzas, and I use a steel platform. It works great, and the pizza comes out amazing. The throughput is low, so I was wonder

How to keep my pizza stone from smoking?

We have 5 year old a pizza stone that use to make homemade pizzas, pita bread, etc... For as long as I can remember every time we preheat it in the oven (befor

Why does aluminum foil on a pizza stone ruin the pizza?

I have a pizza stone and I have a problem with burned dough sticking to it. So I tried to use aluminum foil on the stone for easy cleanup. I wrapped the stone a

Pizza stone as floor pizza oven vs firebrick

I’m building a pizza oven stainless steel and what i have seen is that they normally use firebrick as the floor but I would like to know if I can use pizz

Gas oven heated from the bottom [duplicate]

I moved to a new place and I have an ancient gas cooker that I can't replace just yet. As the heat source is at the bottom of the oven (rather

How to clean molten plastic from a pizza stone?

I have a pizza stone, which has molten plastic on it (it touched the edge of a plastic chopping board briefly, while hot). I cleaned as best as I could with wat

How do I make restaurant quality pizza? [closed]

I've been making my own pizza dough for years but almost always the results are stodgy and thick dough. Ideally I'd like to make thin, crispy

Can a pizza stone be fixed after soap has been used to clean it?

We bought a pizza stone from a thrift store (so at least it was cheap). Unfortunately we cleaned it with soap before reading up on how to clean them. I know, ro

Baking Steel/Pizza Steel Design

I use pizza stones all the time, but recently have heard about pizza steel/baking steel which is claimed to produce better results. I have the know-how and mat