Category "rye"

100% Rye Pizza Base Recipes?

I'm looking for a 100% rye pizza base recipe. The recipes I can find all combine the rye with other flours (typically wheat based). I know it is possible to cre

Where can I get local grains in bulk?

Farmers markets and CSA's are great, but there doesn't seem to be a local market for grains. Where could a person go to purchase grains (for human consumptio

Is there such a thing as pumpernickel flour?

I've recently started making my own bread, and would like to try to make pumpernickel bread. A friend of mine once mentioned that this uses pumpernickel flour,

Rye flour in starter

I have a recipe for sourdough starter, that says I should use rye flour. But which is that? I have grinded my own flour from whole rye berries. There is a lot o

Oven Spring when first stage of recipe includes a ten hour first rise

I am baking Swedish Limpa Bread. The recipe calls for mixing rye flour with a molasses/ anise seed, salt and water mixture and letting rise overnight or nine to

What are "rye sours"?

Not the drink. I'm interested in making this bread: King Arthur Flour Caraway Rye. The recipe recommends the addition of vital wheat gluten or King Arthur's ry

Does 100% rye sourdough bread always have a sticky crumb? How do I make it stick to the knife less?

Every time I make a 100% rye sourdough, it sticks to the knife when I cut it even after letting it sit for a day before cutting. Is this normal? I have tried to

Why are there caraway seeds in rye bread?

I love rye bread, so something I have always wondered about is why there are caraway seeds in it. It seems to be some kind of tradition.

What can I substitute for rye flour?

I am trying to make marbled rye bread, but around here I can't find rye flour. All I can find is all-purpose flour, bread flour, and maybe cake flour. Is there

Prefermenting the whole sourdough rye bread

Why is it recommended to preferment only a portion of the dough required to make a sourdough rye bread? What can go wrong if I preferment the whole batch? My cu

bread that does not get moldy

How can a bread have an expiration date of one year into the future?? The bread in questions is Deutsche Küche rye bread (from Aldi). Yes, it is a dense b

How dangerous is rye?

People are telling me about rye flour, ergotism, and LSD. Apparently there are reasons to believe the Salem witch trials were caused by ergotism. It sounds to m

Do I need to freeze my rye flour?

I got ten pounds of rye flour from the amish store yesterday. They only had a single, two-pound bag sitting on the shelf but, when asked, the man behind the cou

How much vinegar can I safely add to bread dough?

I'm making Russian Black Bread for the first time, and I don't tend to follow recipes exactly. (I do weigh ingredients and understand how to speak in baker's pe

Rye bread: proof until soft

I see this instruction when making rye bread: let it proof until soft. How can I tell when it's soft? I keep baking Jewish rye and letting it proof longer and l

How to Feed a Sour Culture

I'm following the instructions in The Rye Baker to start a rye sour culture. After the first week of daily refreshing, it says it can be left in the refrigerato

No Knead Bread comes out a tad gummy only in the center

I’m using 200g Bread flour, 50g Whole Wheat flour , 50g All-purpose flour, and 60g Rye. I add 2.25tsp of yeast, 2tsp sea salt, and 1.5cups filtered tap w

Is whole grain rye supposed to taste so coarse?

I've been making various white wheat flour breads for a while now and decided to try making a rye bread for the first time. What I didn't notice at the grocery

Can't seem to get my rye sourdough starter really going

I've been trying to get a rye sourdough starter going so that I can make all-rye sourdough bread. I've been at it for two weeks, with a 1:1:1 of water, starter

Need help with my Rye Sourdough starter

I’ve been working on growing a sourdough culture from scratch for almost 4 weeks now. I have looked into multiple websites including this one for troubles