Category "doughnuts"

What is the difference between doughnut and krapfen?

I have been in a shop where you were able to see how they made doughnuts. The first thing I thought was that they were krapfen. Are there any differences betwe

Why are my doughnuts raw in the middle?

I recently began making doughnuts. I did a few experiments. The first time I followed the recipe exactly and they came out perfectly. Large, airy, and soft. Bu

Why do doughnuts have holes?

We're all familiar with the ring doughnut as an American confection. One thing I've always been curious about is why they have holes in them (or are toroidal in

Why does my glaze soak into my doughnuts?

I fried up some yummy doughnuts and let them cool. Shortly after glazing them, I noticed that the glaze has soaked into the doughnuts. How can I prevent this fr

Baker's Percentages for Baked Doughnuts?

I recently purchased an electric doughnut maker and am about to embark on a baked doughnut spree. Having consulted the few recipes included with the machine al

What is the best way to go about developing and formulating a product?

I hope this is within posting guidelines. I have an exciting vision for a product but I have no formal culinary experience (mixing, baking, etc) I do have exten

Can you use cooking oil to make "African Drop Doughnuts"?

Do you have to use deep-fry oil or corn oil to make "African Drop Doughnuts" or can you use cooking oil?

Why don't filled doughnuts have compressed dough around the filling?

How are doughnuts filled? I thought they were just injected in but that would compress the dough. The custard jam etc does not appear to be cooked so I assume

Keeping Donuts fresh

Is there a way to preserve donuts and sell them in retail packaging, similar to how you would buy chips and cookies at the supermarket. I see Entenmann sells pa

Why are jelly donuts usually raspberry flavored

Why are jelly donuts filled with raspberry flavored jelly unless specified otherwise. There are lemon filled, strawberry filled, etc but if you just ask for a

why does doughnut powdered sugar seem cool?

Why does the powdered sugar which coats the outside of powdered sugar doughnuts give that amazing cool sensation on your tongue, when the powdered sugar in the

Water content in beignet dough

When I add the indicated amount of water to my beignet recipe, I end up with humid flour: not enough moisture to form a dough of any kind. It seems apparent to

Frying donuts split along the sides

So, I rolled out some lovely old-fashioned donuts and cut them out... got my oil to 340... and proceeded to fry them. Instead of lovely “blistering”

Which oil is best for Zeppole? [duplicate]

Which oil is best for frying Italian doughnuts?

How long and at what temperature and with what oil should doughnuts be fried?

I just gave this recipe a try and the results were as follows: The first doughnuts to be fried, sat in for the full time period listed in the recipe (3 minutes

Weird-shaped jelly doughnuts

I tried making Sufganiot (a kind of jelly doughnut) this Hanukkah, and ran into a problem. I've let the dough rise, made balls, then let them rise again. Howeve

How can i create a crunchy exterior with and airy interior donut?

I am attempting to make a donut that is crunchy on the outside and airy and lite on the inside with simple ingredients (yeast, flour, water, sugar.) I have trie

Why did my colored doughnut change colors?

Some time ago, I made a doughnut recipe, I only made yeast doughnut once a few years ago, I don't have experience with yeasted bakery products. I baked the doug

Why do my doughnuts always deflate while frying?

I've had this problem for a while. My doughnuts never puff up well in the oil. They sink while frying, they don't have the white line around the edge, feel har

Why does my doughnuts always turn out this way? [closed]

Why does my doughnuts always turn out this way every time I cook them.they turn out small always and they never look like recipe,they taste a