Category "peeling"

How to peel peaches?

What is the best/easiest method to peel peaches?

Peeling tomatoes

I have a recipe that calls for peeling tomatoes. I've found elsewhere that this is often done by boiling them and letting the skin lift away during that process

How to peel hard boiled eggs easily?

This is one of the most annoying duties in the kitchen, for me. What are yours tips and tricks to peel hard boiled eggs easily?

How can I remove the peel and pit of an avocado without the whole thing turning into mush?

Making solid pieces out of a ripe avocado is a difficult business (for me, anyway). What is the best way to remove the peel and pit without ending up with a pil

How do I remove kiwifruit skin without losing a lot of the fruit's flesh?

Is there a way to loosen the skin from the flesh before peeling a kiwifruit with a paring knife or peeler? I'm not a deft hand with a paring knife, and I suspec

How to prep jicama - is peeling necessary?

I recently grabbed some jicama from the store on a whim, and I used to make some really delicious slaw. However in the course of prepping it, I sent a whole lo

Why do we peel carrots?

So I was sitting there, looking down at my counter, realizing that I probably had a good carrot or two of shavings just going to waste. (well, I'll compost it,

Peeling roasted green chilies

Last time I roasted green chilies, which consisted of charring the skin, I had a tough time peeling them. Is there an easy way to peel roasted green chilies, o

How to Peel Potatoes

Whenever I have to peel potatoes, I spend much of the time fighting the slippery, just-washed potatoes and keeping them from shooting out of my hands...what's a

Peeling a Drumstick

What is the best way to peel a drumstick? How do I know when to stop? I find that a drumstick that's completely peeled disintegrates when cooked.

Fruit peeling techniques

I came across this page (How to peel a mango) while surfing and I found it very interesting. What kind of methods and knives/kitchen gadgets do you use to peel

Why peel tomatoes?

Everyone seems to think it is necessary to peel tomatoes before canning or freezing them. Since I do not peel tomatoes when I'm cooking with them (soups, salsa,

how to peel a pomegranate efficiently?

Two well known facts about pomegranates: they are yummy they are a pain to peel by hand do you know of any efficient ways to peel pomegranates? by efficient i

How to peel chestnuts?

The chestnuts on an open fire question reminded me: Is there a trick to peeling chestnuts easily? I always end up with bits of hairy skin stuck to the chestnuts

Should sweet potatoes be peeled when preparing them?

I want to make a sweet potato dish -- maybe candied yams. Should I peel the sweet potatoes before cooking or are these recipes intending for me to keep the ski

How to prepare salsify (schwarzwurzeln) to minimise sap?

This morning I tried cooking salsify (aka Schwarzwurzeln) for the first time. It needs to be peeled before cooking, which I did rapidly and with a bowl of wat

Should I peel kiwifruit?

What should I do with the kiwi peel? I've got no problem with its taste and feel and eat them whole when I'm by myself. Is it in any way bad for my health?

How deeply should I peel sweet potatoes?

When peeling sweet potatoes, should I just peel the outermost layer, or should I be peeling off the white part as well till I hit the orange inside? Should I ke

What's the best way to peel an onion?

I'm a pro at dicing an onion. My issue is always peeling it. The papery skin is so tough to get off, and I'm never sure just how many layers to peel off. Does

Peeling and dicing potato before boiling it

I've mostly seen people peel a potato after it has been boiled and then cutting it to pieces if required. Given it's muddy exterior, I find it cleaner (and prob