Category "color"

Colorful Marshmallow

How to make colorful marshmallow without using synthetic coloring agents?

Why is my gravy opaque?

I only started making gravy a year or two ago, so I don't fully understand the process, although I appreciate the taste. As I was making gravy for Thanksgiving,

How to make my pasta less brown?

I really like making pasta, but I've found that most of my recipes have these sorts of ingredients: Pale yellow pasta Brown mushrooms Brown tempeh or tofu (or

Why did my tomato soup turn thick and brownish?

I tried to improvise a tomato soup following these steps: Slice tomatoes, briefly stir-fry for aroma, together with some onions, garlic pepper, salt, and a bit

Identifying Strands of Dough

I'm trying to write up a how-to guide for braiding six strands of dough. I figured that for comprehension I would instruct the cook to move the pieces of dough

What makes store brand mayo white?

So, I've finally accomplished making mayo. But it has a yellowish hue to it, obviously this is the case because of the egg yolks. My question is this: Why is

Looking for a Blue Ingredient

Blue food is notoriously hard to find, but I'm working on a dish that basically resembles a lighthouse, and I need something blue to act as the water. Mustn't b

Why are drippings from restaraunt ground beef colored orange?

I've noticed over the years that whenever I cook ground beef from the grocery store, the drippings in the beef are typically clear in color. When eating out, i

Why would a blended salad dressing change its color?

Yesterday evening we had a barbecue and I made a tomato/mozzarella salad. Since I couldn't find my dressing shaker, I used my hand blender (an ESGE M180S, in ca

Yellowness of egg yolk

Related question: Why are Italian eggs so yellow? Occasionally I get served a fried / poached egg with a deep yellow/orange yolk. I find it extremely appetisin

How can you make gray or black butter?

Soon, I'll be serving garlic bread, but I would like to add something to the garlic-butter, to make it darker (gray or black). It should look like lead. So far

Safety of Blue / Green Garlic

My mother pickled a bunch of garlic recently and it turned blue soon after. She has had this happen once or twice before where some turned green, but this time

How can I keep corned beef pink?

I have a large gathering on St Patrick's day and serve corned beef. In years past I did all the cooking on that day and missed my own party due to all the work.

What natural ingredients can be used to color food blue or green?

I've been experimenting more and more with "natural" food colorings - meaning spices and other ingredients that naturally impart color as opposed to a commercia

Why is meat red?

What makes meat red? At first I would think it is the blood, but most packaged meat doesn't seem to be bloody per se, and plus, different meats (chicken, beef e

Why is my green tea brown?

As Crystal Gale once wrote, "You're gonna make my green tea, brown." Or something like that. When I typically order (the free or close-to-free) green tea at J

Color change in duck meat!

I roasted a duck some days ago, and while eating, the meat on the carcass slowly turned a sharp red, much like an apple turns brown. I can't find any informati

Dying a white iced cake black

I've had an Xbox cake made for my son, but they made it white and I wanted it black. It can't be remade, because it's too late. Can I do anything to dye it bla

Telling if small pieces of meat are cooked - blind or colour blind chef

When I am cooking small pieces of meat (so a meat thermometer is not an appropriate tool - I'm thinking of things like shredded chicken being stir-fried, frying

How can I make a mayo/ketchup-based sauce come out with a consistent color?

I'm trying to make a zesty sauce from a mayo base/ketchup base mixture. Sometimes color turns out dark orange, sometimes off white, even though I'm using the s