Category "eggplant"

My Baba Ghanoush is too watery

I tried cooking Baba Ghanoush for the first time and though tasty I didn't quite get the expected results. It was watery instead of creamy like the ones I had

Preparing eggplant with less oil

I love cooking with eggplant (or aubergine/brinjal in your specific English flavor). However to get rid of the bitter taste and slightly spongy texture, I end

How to drain zucchini and eggplant

I am making a dish that involves roasted vegetables and couscous. I have often found, though, that the zucchini and eggplant are unpalatably watery after roasti

How to make eggplant less oily?

I like to make this recipe with thin spaghetti, Eggplant, fresh tomatoes, and mozzarella. 1 pound of eggplant is sauteed in 1/4 inch deep vegetable oil. When t

How should eggplant be stored?

I don't know if I should put it in the refrigerator or the pantry. Does it go in the crisper?

What is the name of this eggplant dish that is similar to lasagna?

When I was at school I made an dish that was like a lasagna but replaced the pastry with Eggplant. It also had sliced bocconcini (I think) and was tomato based.

Can a "regular" eggplant be substituted for a chinese eggplant in a recipe?

I'm going to attempt this hot and sour chinese eggplant recipe which calls for chinese eggplant. However, I only have a "regular" eggplant that you find in the

What do you call the eggplant cultivar commonly found in American grocery stores?

In this question of mine I didn't know what to call the specific type/species of eggplant that is commonly found in American grocery stores. What is this called

What is the 'cleanest' way to roast eggplants indoor?

Whenever I've tried to roast eggplants on the oven, it takes more time to clean than to cook. Any suggestions?

What can I do with under-ripe eggplant?

The eggplant in my garden was doing very well up until a hard frost a couple of days ago (it's late December, and this was inevitable). Some of the plants died

What to do with an aubergine (eggplant) that has gone brown inside?

Sometimes an aubergine that looks fine on the outside has brown meat in the center. Is the aubergine still edible and will it taste ok? Or should I cut away the

Rubbing eggplants in salt

I saw somewhere they rubbed sliced eggplants in salt and leaving them out up to an hour before putting them in the oven. From what I understood it had to do som

What are purple small Brinjals called in English?

There are white and green Brinjals too. Are the purple ones known by some special name?

Is there a difference in the taste/seeds of egg-sized eggplants, and long and slim eggplants?

Is there a difference in the taste/seeds of egg sized eggplants or brinjals, and long and slim eggplants or brinjals? They are different in shapes. Is there an

After you bake eggplant, is it fine to not drain the water?

An eggplant can be baked or grilled; then you peel it. I read that you have to drain it then (e.g. in a colander), even overnight. What if you don't drain the w

How do you make sure aubergine doesn't go bitter when cooking?

Sometimes aubergine and courgette tastes fine when cooked as is, but other times they are so bitter that they're almost inedible. I've tried dry salting and lea

Rubbing eggplants in salt

I saw somewhere they rubbed sliced eggplants in salt and leaving them out up to an hour before putting them in the oven. From what I understood it had to do som

How do I roast eggplants without a gas stove?

There is an Indian dish that requires roasting eggplants on high heat directly on a gas stove until charred, like this: Here's a recipe for the dish. Everyth

Roasting an eggplant for "Neapolitan Eggplant Parmesan"

I found this Neapolitan Eggplant Parmesan recipe, which lists roasted eggplant slices as an ingredient. I'm guessing that I wouldn't want to roast it so that it

Is it possible to freeze Eggplant Parmesan? If so, better to freeze before or after baking?

I made a delicious eggplant parmesan dish last night and now my wife wants to repeat it and then freeze it for another occasion. What's the best advice for fre