Category "eggplant"

Can you prepare eggplant by salting, then baking, then finally rinsing?

In normal eggplant preparation, you salt and rinse first. However, when the eggplant is baked, it continues to release water. This leads me to believe that I co

How to cook the eggplant in trader joe's eggplant roll style?

I want to learn how to make similar style eggplant roll. I cook eggplant many times, but I have no clue how to make the eggplant moist but not wet. I see the eg

How to preserve eggplants/brinjals?

How can eggplant be preserved? I would like to preserve it for a month or more, if possible.

Could a non-bitter eggplant become bitter after cooking?

I've seen a couple of questions here, that touch the issue of aubergine bitterness: How do you make sure aubergine doesn't go bitter when cooking? Rubbing eggp

How do I cook any recipe with frozen eggplant?

Four days ago I cut the ends off of a one pound eggplant, sliced it lengthwise, spread 1/4 tsp. of salt on each half, and left at room temperature (approx 65 de

What parameter is best to increase - time or temperature?

I'm heating frozen eggplant parmesan in a toaster oven at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, as specified, but it's not coming out hot enough. Which parameter - time o

Preparing cut vegetables for the next day?

To speed up lunch cooking, I'm considering pre-cutting some veggies the day before. I often do quick meals with zucchini and eggplant and both do seem to be no

How to fry eggplant with less oil?

Frying eggplant is somewhat tricky, as it absorbs oil like a sponge. I read some tricks like brushing egg white or flour on the eggplant slices before frying. N

Reason for thickness of pepper\eggplant paste

When making pepper or eggplant paste (roasted then blended), the paste is very thick, even gel-like. Why is that? What ingredient in the fruit's cells thickens

Baked eggplant is bitter - is there a way to fix it?

Do I have to throw away bitter eggplant after I have baked it? Can something be done or do I have to throw it away?

How to prevent eggplant having a tough or rubbery texture

I'm planning on cooking an Asian style eggplant with garlic sauce soon. However, I am concerned (perhaps even paranoid) about getting the texture right. My goal

Is it necessary to peel aubergine?

Do we really have to peel aubergine before cooking? Or can we cook it without peeling?

Rubbing eggplants in salt

I saw somewhere they rubbed sliced eggplants in salt and leaving them out up to an hour before putting them in the oven. From what I understood it had to do som

How can I tell an eggplant is not bitter and very seedy?

Aubergines / Eggplants are sometimes bitter or particularly seedy. Since this is at the market or supermarket, we can look at it, smell it and carefully touch i