Category "blueberries"

When is the right time to pick blueberries?

My neighbor brought over a fresh batch of blueberries. Some are sweet and some are sour. He told us to come over and pick some whenever we wanted, but I don't

Why is my blueberry jam grainy?

I recently made and canned blueberry jam for the first time, using this recipe and canning instructions. I filled all my jars & canned them, but there was

What's the best way to clean and dry blueberries?

I buy organic blueberries which come in a little plastic container. I like to wash them and put them in a tupperware container. After I wash them I place them

How do I make dried blueberries?

How do you make dried blueberries? Can I use an oven? Is there a proper technique or do I just bake them on low for a few hours?

What To Do With Blueberry Hot Sauce

I bought some blueberry hot sauce while on vacation in Maine. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I have no clue what to pair it with. Any suggestio

frozen blueberries kept thawed

Had a couple bags of frozen blueberries. Put them in the fridge to thaw. They've been in the fridge for several weeks. Can I still cook with them?

What effect does rinsing have on blueberries?

If I rinse fresh blueberries before I eat them, does that wash off the antioxidants? Why would washing blueberries before freezing them cause tougher-skinned b

Which type of blueberry for making jam?

If I want to make blueberry jam, which type of blueberry should I use? I just bought a pack of blueberry, but I found that the flesh/pulp of them is not blue,

How can I keep my blueberry pie firm without the flavor of corn starch?

In the summer, I often make a refrigerated blueberry pie. The recipe calls for a graham cracker crust, and you make the filling by cooking one pint of blueberri

What is the best way to clean bulk blueberries?

This question has been asked before but only with respect to washing a small container. We have a friend who runs fruit stands in the summer and we typically g

What is the best way to store fresh berries?

I have been buying fresh berries from the store on the weekends, and am looking for the best way to make them last throughout the week for use as either a snack

How to fix the consistency of blueberry jam?

I had purchased a jar of %70 fruit blueberry jam. After consuming about %25 percent of it, I added into the jar some blueberries (10-15) that I purchased recent

How to prevent pureed blueberries from gelling?

I have a sparkling new ice cream machine. The first batch, Philadelphia-style plain vanilla ice cream, worked perfectly. I decided to try a sorbet, and made Leb

How can I turn my muffin batter into the natural blue color from blueberries?

I'm trying to make blueberry muffins, and I will be folding the blueberries into the batter as well. How can I turn the batter slightly blue without adding exce

Low-fat quark plus blended blueberries -- texture changes over night?

I tried to prepare my own blueberry quark by blending (about 200g) of (European) blueberries and gently mixing the result with 500g of low-fat quark. Season to

Why are the blueberries in my blueberry muffins not melting?

I've made a few batches of blueberry muffins and the first batch turned out perfectly. After that batch, I tried to substitute honey for sugar (just testing th

What's the difference between fresh and frozen blueberries for baking?

A recipe I have has a review that states that frozen blueberries in a blueberry muffin are absolute garbage and only fresh ones will give you that desired taste

Thawed frozen blueberries inside cake roll?

I would like to put frozen, thawed blueberries inside a red velvet cake roll filled with cream cheese icing. I am concerned that the blueberries may "bleed" or

Can jam be made from frozen berries?

During summer months, I love buying fresh raspberries and blueberries. I often don't manage to work through the whole punnet, so I freeze the last few berries b

How can I aquire (not avoid) sour blueberries?

If I'm specifically looking for sour blueberries, what can I do to best avoid the sweet ones? If buying from the store, do I just look for berries that are mo