Category "salmonella"

How can I buy or make pasteurized eggs?

Many recipes for the raw-egg yolk sauces and dressings suggest using pasteurized eggs for safety, and say they are available in stores. I've never seen them fo

Mousse has Raw Eggs -- is it Really Safe? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Is it safe to eat raw eggs? I looked up a recipe for chocolate mousse the other day, and I noticed that pretty muc

Eggs in Pancakes, health hazard?

I want to make pancakes. I have a powder mix that needs only milk to be ready. However there is a note on the powder mix's box that says I can add an egg to the

What is the danger of salmonella in 'home laid eggs' and how should I clean them?

I have a question additional to this question How does salmonella get into eggs. This tells me that salmonella is mostly found on the shell of an egg. However,

Can salmonella show up in a raw-egg product once it has already been made?

I know raw eggs should be avoided, especially by sensitive people (children, pregnant women), as they may contain salmonella. Let's say I make a big tub of ice

Is marinade safe if it has had incidental contact with meat?

I just made a batch of soy based marinade, I then used a spoon to pour said marinade over some chicken, swirled it about, and mistakenly double dipped (put it b

Is raw coconut safe to eat?

I recently came across this study: and I am worried about potential salmonella infection in raw co

using crumbs mixture multiple times [is it safe?]

I made a crumbs mixture for chicken breast strips. I coated them in beaten eggs, then coated them in crumbs mixture and fried. I have leftovers and I would like

Why don't we need to ice-bathe all leftovers before refrigeration?

I'm considering picking up an immersion heater for Christmas and reading up on that led me eventually to Douglas Baldwin's sous vide website (http://www.douglas

How do you dry fruit slices in a humid environment?

In a humid environment, with an abundance of fruit at certain times of the year, what is the best method for drying fruit slices for later use? I don't want to

Chances of getting sick from reusing utensils after checking chicken doneness

So last night I was cooking dinner for a friend, not at my house, and they don't own an instant read thermometer. I put the chicken breasts (boneless with skin

Salmonella in eggs that been used in mousses and other desserts in their raw state

The following text is from the FDA site: What is Salmonella? Salmonella, the name of a group of bacteria, is a common cause of food poisoning in the Unite

Hot chicken soup takes hours to cool

I made a big pot of a very hot chicken soup. I put it in my small extra fridge at 11 PM, and it was still warm 9 hours later, at 8 AM. Do I need to throw it aw

Hot chicken soup takes hours to cool

I made a big pot of a very hot chicken soup. I put it in my small extra fridge at 11 PM, and it was still warm 9 hours later, at 8 AM. Do I need to throw it aw