Category "sponge-cake"

Correct way to join two halves of sponge cake?

When you join two halves of sponge cake (as in this photo) which way round are you supposed to do it? The instructions I've used seem to assume what comes out o

How do I add butter to a sponge cake?

I made a Genoise following James Peterson's recipe in Baking, but without the optional butter. I used an electric hand mixer. The cake came out fine, as in the

Commercial Sponge Cake Improver?

Many years ago (35+) my grandmother received a container of a 'sponge cake improver' from a family member whom was a commercial baker. She describes it as look

Is it bad if a sponge cake sits out for a couple hours before cooking?

I am making cupcakes and was wondering if it is okay if you leave the batter out for a couple hours before cooking.

How to stop a sponge cake (chiffon cake) from deflating/sinking? [duplicate]

Beating of the whites is perfected. When folding in the cake mixture and the egg whites is there a specific technique? I place in about 1/3,

What does melted butter do in a swiss roll recipe?

I'm planning on making a Swiss roll. This is a sponge cake, baked in your baking sheet (so it's thin) and you roll it up, mostly with a filling. While looking

Would a fruit cocktail flavoured cake work?

I am baking a Cinderella Princes cake for my daughter's first birthday party. I have now had the crazy idea of having a rainbow cake under the skirt of the dres

What to use for chocolate flavouring?

I've been making chocolate sponge using some Swiss hot chocolate - because I happened to have that in the cupboard. But now I've run out. So I need to go out an

Why would a recipe call for pouring boiling butter into egg-whites?

I made a sponge cake using a recipe from an old cookbook and at one point it told me to melt and boil butter and pour the boiling butter into beaten egg-whites,

Stacking cakes without bases

I am going to be making a two tier birthday cake for my daughters 2nd birthday. The bottom will be a Vanilla sponge covered in Fondant icing. The top tier will

Sponge cake with only three ingredients - will this work at all?

I have a recipe for a sponge cake only consisting of sugar, eggs and flour. To be honest, I am a bit afraid to to try it. How can this create a fluffy cake - w

How can you speed up a genoise cake mixing?

I usually make a chocolate Swiss roll. The first step is to beat 4 eggs together with 115g sugar on a double boiler with warm (tap) water. I use a hand mixer

How to bake a sponge cake in a grill microwave oven

How can we bake a sponge cake in a grill microwave oven where there no preheating functionality? It's an Electrolux grill microwave oven. Is there any substitut

How should I adjust the baking temperature?

I just baked a sponge cake, its sides are fluffy and fine but in the middle it's a bit stiff. When I stick a toothpick in the center it comes out clean and when

What can make a gluten free sponge light and fluffy?

I've tried 5 recipes for gluten free lemon cake and all of them have a tight brick like texture. What would make a cake fluffy if it is gluten-free? How do I

What is the difference between genoise sponge and victoria sponge?

Just wanted to find out the differences between Genoise sponge and Victoria sponge. In particular, I was interested to find out which one turns out softer. He

What's the role of milk or yogurt in sponge cake?

Most recipes for sponge cake use a quantity of yogurt which sometimes is replaced with milk, or even soja or almond drinks. In those recipes (flour, sugar, eg

Why boil and cool jam before using it in a cake?

When putting marzipan on a fruit cake recipes sometimes state that we should first boil and cool the apricot jam used to coat the cake and make the marzipan sti

Adding melted chocolate to a sponge cake batter

I have baked a victoria sponge cake and it came out fine. In order to make a chocolate sponge cake, Can I use the same recipe of Victoria sponge cake and just a

How should I convert my Victoria sponge to a chocolate sponge?

I generally bake Victoria sponge cake with 6 oz flour. Now to make a chocolate sponge cake do I substitute 2 oz of flour with cocoa powder or do I keep the 6 oz