Category "sponge-cake"

Oil vs butter in chocolate sponge cake cake

I baked a Victoria chocolate sponge cake. It did not turn to be a sponge cake at all. I wouldn't call it hard, but it was definitely not a moist cake. It was ki

Why does my Victoria sandwich have a hole in the base?

I've made the same cake recipe for years, no changes but suddenly my cakes look fine on top but when I turn them out there's a big hollow underneath! Help!

Replacement for ground almonds in a joconde sponge

I am going to try and make a petit gateau with a pistachio joconde layer, however I am not a big fan of almonds. Is there anything I can use that would act as a

Effect of flour/fat/sugar/egg ratio in a sponge pudding

I thought I'd have a go at making a sponge pudding. I've Googled recipes and they all seem to be variations on creaming together fat and suger, beat in the egg

Sponge cake batter too runny

I followed a new recipe for a sponge cake (Sour Cream Sponge Cake) by James Peterson. The only tweak I made was to include some lemon zest in with the sour cr

Sponge cake - Why mix milk and butter instead of folding?

From what I understand, after whisking the eggs and sugar you fold in the flour to prevent flattening the air bubbles in the mixture you just incorporated. So w

cake smells bad of egg, is dense and rubbery

This was the first time bake a cake (basic sponge cake) with an electric beater. The final result was that the cake was smelling very bad of eggs, it was was ve

Problems with rising sponge in larger tin

For years I've made classic 6/6/6 and 8/8/8 Victoria sponges (and many variants) in two 7inch tins, with good results. Now I've tried to bake the same recipe i

When making a sponge cake how does the method of combining ingredients effect the final product? [closed]

I recently completed a project where I would bake several sponge cakes using various recipes so I could test how the different ingredients suc

missed out cream of tartar in chiffon recipe

I forgot to add cream of tartar to my egg whites as inwas making a chiffon cake. what happens if you missed out adding cream of tartar to the egg whites for you

How to determine quantity of baking powder for baking simple cake?

Do I need to double the quantity of baking powder,when all other ingredients are doubled for preparing simple sponge cake?

Is this sponge cake recipe correct?

I found an old family recipe for a big size sponge cake. Are these measures correct? 10 eggs 6 heaped tablespoons of flour 3 heaped tablespoons of corn starch

Folding dry ingredients into the cake batter: at once or in 2/3 portions, does it make a difference?

The following is my go-to sponge cake recipe: 6 eggs 2 and a half cups flour 1 cup oil 1 and a half cups sugar 1 cup milk 2 and a half tsp baking powder cardam

Japanese Cotton Sponge Cake - How to stop collapsing?

I've recently found videos about Japanese "Cotton" Sponge Cake. (Possibly also called a 'Jiggly Cake'?) I've never had it, but I figured it looked good, so wh

What makes cake a Sponge Cake? And what doesn't?

I've been watching the Great British baking show and they refer to basically every cake as a sponge. I live in the USA and grew up in Australia. We just called

Why are my sponge cakes not rising?

I have baked various types of sponge cakes for many years and they have always been fine, but recently, every cake I bake is not rising properly. I am a bit per

Thick layer of egg formed at the bottom of sponge cake

I've made several attempts on this recipe (the ingredients are on the video Description) and... I get the fluffiness of the cake and a great taste out of it onc

How can I make cakes in 20Ltr ONIDA Black Diamond conventional microwave oven? [duplicate]

I am using 20Ltr ONIDA Black Diamond conventional microwave oven. I couldn't bake cakes in this oven at 180 degree temperature. Please send me

Replacing whole egg beating process by separated egg white and yolk beating in a recipe which calls for the former?

Can I replace whole egg beating process by separated egg white and yolk beating in a recipe which calls for the former? Can I replace the maida(all purpose flou

Can I make a sponge cake without sugar?

I want to experiment with making a savoury sponge cake. The idea is to make something that has the texture of a sponge cake but isn't sweet, and I'll fill it wi