Category "vinegar"

How does a splash of vinegar help when poaching eggs?

What does splashing in a shot of white vinegar to the simmering water do when poaching an egg? Is it for taste or is it supposed to react in some way with the

Which vinegars are essential to keep on hand?

There seems to be a large variety of different vinegars called for in the various recipes I've been trying out lately. I've ended up with a cabinet full of half

Vinegar Alternatives and rice combinations in making sushi rice

What are some of the alternatives in vinegar for making sushi rice? I know it's best to use rice vinegar, but has anyone ever tried it with white wine vinegar,

Can red wine vinegar replace white wine vinegar?

I have a recipe for broiled swordfish steak that uses the following ingredients for the baste: olive oil, butter, Dijon mustard, white wine vinegar, and black p

Types of vinegars used for salads

I was told by someone that rice vinegar was not suitable to be used in a salad dressing. Can only certain types of vinegars be used for salads?

Why isn't my vinaigrette emulsifying properly?

I made a vinaigrette tonight. Normally, to make one, I put vinegar and oil in a mason jar and shake to mix. This usually seems to emulsify the mixture properly

When is homemade wine-based vinegar simply bad wine?

If I am making homemade wine-based vinegar, is there a way to tell if it's just plain soured wine? One recipe described the process as leaving the wine mixture

How can I make very small quantities of balsamic reduction?

Last night, a dish called for a drizzle of balsamic reduction. I thought that, in order to get a good reduction and not burn anything, I'd need way more balsami

How long will a balsamic reduction keep?

Related to making small quantities of balsamic reduction, if I make a large quantity of balsamic reduction, how long will it keep? What's the best way to store

Why roast beets in vinegar?

I have always roasted my beets in a bit of vinegar in the bottom of the pan like 1/4" or so. It is how I was taught. But why do it? What does the vinegar do f

What can be substituted for vinegar in sushi rice?

If you could not use rice vinegar (for reasons of food allergy, perhaps), what could you use instead in sushi rice?

Advantages of using vinegar as a salt substitute for enhancing flavor?

I read a short blurb in Cooking for Geeks that said vinegar can be used as a substitute for salt, as a flavor enhancer, to make food less bland. I plan on expe

Does olive oil and balsamic vinegar together need to be refrigerated?

Do I need to store a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar in the refrigerator?

Does vinegar increase the iron we can digest from Spinach?

I heard tale of people using vinegar to break down or concentrate the digestible iron in spinach. Is this true? If it's true, the key things to know would be:

substituting vinegars

I have a recipe that calls for Wanjashan naturally brewed organic rice vinegar and I do not have this ingredient. Is there another vinegar I can used instead?

Why is there vinegar in the bread recipe?

Yesterday I made bread based on a recipe I found on the flour bag. It contained both rye and wheat flour but also three tablespoons of vinegar. I've never seen

Is it safe to cook wine or vinegar in cast iron?

I want to cook a beef brisket, following a recipe that suggests baking it on a bed of onions and red wine, or red wine vinegar. I'd like to use a cast iron dut

Black Rice Vinegar for Sushi

Can I use black rice vinegar for sushi rice? (Chinkiang Vinegar) What is the difference to white rice vinegar when making sushi? Should I still add sugar and

Can wine gone bad be bad for you?

Unfortunately, wine will eventually go bad. The time this takes can vary from a few years to many decades, but most wines eventually will get there; and things

Does accidental vinegar have a culture that I can pass along?

Background: A couple of years ago we left a half drunk bottle of Sirah on the counter and it went to vinegar. A really nice vinegar with a pleasant, mild flavor