Category "spicy-hot"

How can you make a sauce less spicy/hot?

Sometimes when I'm making a sauce or soup that needs to be a bit spicy, I have no troubles spicing how I want to. But if the dinner party is a bit late, or I m

How can I wash down spicy food?

Say, for example, I eat a very spicy jalapeno and I have a burning sensation in my mouth and throat. Are there any foods or drinks to wash that away?

Why did my coppa get spicier after being microwaved?

I wanted to put some spicy, crispy, crumbled coppa over a pasta dish. I put it in the microwave and it crisped up very well. It was however much spicier after c

What To Do With Blueberry Hot Sauce

I bought some blueberry hot sauce while on vacation in Maine. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I have no clue what to pair it with. Any suggestio

What hot sauce should I use for Buffalo wings sauce?

After watching "The Wing and I" in Good Eats and being the one that always ordered Buffalo wings (I no longer live in the US), I decide to give it a try. The re

Thai lava chili: how could I reproduce this?

I realize this is a bit off of a question, and I apologize if it's not all that great. But here goes. There is a Thai place near where I live that makes this a

Substituting Peppers

What pepper can be substituted for a habanero when no habaneros are available?

What is the ingredient that gives a sichuan (szechuan) hot pot the mouth numbing experience?

I'm curious if it is from the Sichuan peppercorns.

Is there a spice that is hot and colorless?

I want to prepare a drink that is hot (spicy) but I don't want to use regular hot sauce because it will affect the color. Is there anything like "clear" hot sau

Where can I purchase Banquete Chilero Sauce from Costa Rica in the US?

I have been to Costa Rica twice and I fell in love with Banquete brand Chilero Sauce. It is a hot sauce with a wonderful flavor but it has some fairly unique p

Reduce hotness of beef Jerky

I made some beef jerky with Maddog 375 hot sauce (generously poured into the marinade). It's ridiculously hot and basically unedible (I can eat it but just slo

How can I maximize Wasabi flavor?

A few months ago, I went to dinner with my brother-in-law, and he introduced me to Sushi. I was skeptical (I've gone nearly 40 years without trying it), but I e

Is there a "safe" way to cook ghost chili?

I may want plant some ghost chili pepper, but I am afraid it will be too hot to eat. Is there any safe method to prepare/cook ghost chili which will not reprod

How does one tell if a jalapeno is spicy?

It seems like it is always hit and miss when it comes to eating jalepenos. What are some ways to tell if the jalapeno is hot or not, besides tasting it? Thank

What kind of cooling garnish is like ice cream but doesn't melt?

In a related question, I asked about plating with bread for sampling chili. Here I need to find a cooling, as in take the heat off the capsaicin with fats, garn

What is the world's hottest pepper?

I'm growing some bhut jolokia peppers, and they are almost ready for harvesting. However, I've since seen that the naga viper pepper has beaten the bhut joloki

Only the seeds of the habaneros I bought are hot - low quality, or simply the nature of chili?

I'm a newbie when it comes to any type of chili. I'm alright at eating food with chili, but don't really have any experience with using it. I bought the one I

Is it reasonable to expect "spiciness" to fry off?

I got in a "heated" discussion with my wife this evening about a fried turkey recipe that I want to try for Thanksgiving. It calls for: 1 cup of Creole seasoni

"Indian Spicy" vs. "Thai Spicy"

What ingredient(s) make the spiciness from Indian food distinct from the spiciness of, say, Thai food? Indian good seems to have a longer, slower burn, rather

Help in identifying a Thai condiment

At my favorite local Thai restaurant, they have a trio of spicy condiments available to add to your food. Of the three, one is chile-garlic sauce, one is a crus