Category "spicy-hot"

Do chile peppers heat vary depending on the season?

I found a great recipe for Chilles Rellenos - the first time I made them - they came out perfect. I used pasilla Peppers and the spice/heat was just right. Sinc

How would I add heat to a brine?

I am interested in making roast chicken with a bit of a kick. I'm thinking about adding heat to the brine, but I'm not sure what the best way of doing that woul

What common household drink will remove burning from mouth? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Cure for burns from hot peppers / capsicum oil? Ya, just ate something spicy and my mouth is on fire. I tried dri

Making Medium-hot Mexican Sauces

Thanks to the book Truly Mexican, I've recently gotten into making cooked Mexican sauces like Adobos, Moles and Pipians. However, my sweetie is unable to toler

Which type of chilli peppers for which cuisine?

Indian food typically calls for chilli powder, what I believe is called cayenne pepper in other parts of the world. Preferring spicier flavors, I find myself a

How to choose fresh, ripe (hot) jalapeños?

When shopping at a supermarket or a farmers market, how can I tell which jalapeños to take home? I want them hot and ready rock that very day. Do they ge

How long will my pepper relish last, and how can I stretch it out?

Last year, I made a simple pepper relish out of some hot peppers that are grown on a local farm. The method I used was to saute the whole peppers for a short ti

Which Korean dishes are typically hottest?

For the typical palate of most people from English-speaking countries, just about all Korean food is spicy. But for those of us who love hot spicy food, I want

Is wasabi considered to be spicy or to be a spice?

I was just talking to a friend about what to eat for dinner and he said he didn't want anything spicy. He then mentioned that Japanese food doesn't have anythi

How is it that zinfandel can taste spicy?

How can it be that zinfandel wines taste spicy (hot?) I experienced this sensation for the first time recently, but never have sensed this before in cabernets,

Chili with bitter aftertaste and not enough kick

I cooked chili using the following ingedients: Oil for sauteing 1.5 pounds beef, minced 1 large white onion, finely chopped 1 red bell peper, diced 1 orange be

How to increase spiciness without abusing hot spices?

It's easy to make food more spicy by dumping a bag of ground hot pepper in it, or adding a pound of sambal, or pick one of the capsaicin concentrates and add a

I have an insanely hot pepper: now what?

Someone gave me a Trinidad Scorpion Moruga pepper: according to Wikipedia, it's the hottest one out there. At least, the person who gave me the pepper said it's

Non-spicy flavors for a spicy-hot food lover? [closed]

For medical reasons, my friend who adores spicy-hot food, is trying to cut down. What can we do to food to make it taste "less bland"? Inspi

Create hot "sauce" from capsaicin extract

There are a lot of hot sauces like "Blairs Mega Death" with more than 500.000 scoville heat units. However, they do have some odd taste, which I don't really li

Reducing spice in sauce [duplicate]

How do you make already prepared sauce less spicy? I must have used too many hot chili peppers or cooked them too long. Is there something to

Adding spiciness to indian curry at the end of cooking

When making Indian curries, I usually lightly fry the spices (cumin, coriander, turmeric, and kashmiri chili powder), as most recipes state that this is needed

Counteract the negative effects of spicy ingedients with other ingredients

I love spicy foods. Anything with ghost pepper is going to be gobbled up instantly. I however do not like the negative effects when it comes to getting rid of

Tabasco flavor without pain?

I love the strong flavor of buffalo wings, Tabasco, etc. Are capsaicinoids integral to this flavor, or can the "heat" be removed. I guess I'm not a fan of my mo

Canning Hot Peppers

This is my recipe for canning peppers. I bring 3 gal vinegar, 1 gal water and 1 lb canning salt to a boil. Let cool down a bit then pour into 1 qrt large mou