Category "minestrone"

Counter to bitterness in soup

My minestrone turned out too bitter. How can I counter it? The soup contains tomatoes, pasta, Savoy cabbage, celery, carrots, burnt sautéed garlic, thyme

How to fix the protein content of my minestrone?

I love minestrone, but am concerned that it doesn't contain enough protein. It usually contains pasta, tomato, zucchini, savoy cabbage, carrots and garlic. Wha

Did purple beans spoil my soup?

I never worked with purple beans before this year. I couldn't decide what to do with the bounty of veggies in my garden. My family lives minestrone and vegeta

What does soffritto do to minestrone?

I have read some recipes for minestrone where it calls for making a soffritto before adding water. What would happen if you omitted this step and just added raw

Minestrone from cold rather than hot water

I have been told it's a bad idea to put vegetables directly in hot or boiling water when cooking minestrone. Instead, you must start heating the chopped vegetab