Category "cutting"

What are some good resources for learning Knife Skills? [closed]

What are some good resources for learning knife skills? Specifically, is there anywhere that I can see video demonstration of different slicin

Cutting boards: What are some general tips on purchasing and using a cutting board?

I have heard various debates on the merits of wood versus synthetic cutting boards, and their affect on food safety, knife edges, and ease of cleaning and stora

Cutting Sushi Rolls

I am new to making sushi and have gotten the hang of rolling it with the nori on the outside. The problem is when I am trying to cut it into individual pieces,

How to cut a cooked chicken, including the bones, with a cleaver?

I'm interested to know the proper way to cut a chicken into pieces using a cleaver, without cutting around the bone. When I go to Chinese restaurants, they oft

Am I using my knives for the correct jobs?

I've got a limited collection of knives which I was moderately pleased to discover meet the "minimum requirements". But, recent activity on here has got me thin

a manual meat slicer

My household really likes things like turkey and ham sandwiches for lunch. One thing I've searched around for is a 'manual' meat slicer. I'm thinking of somet

How do you cut/process a whole pineapple?

I wanted to cut up a whole, fresh pineapple, but wasn't sure exactly where to start without butchering it up badly - I wanted to cut it up into nice pieces!! A

Julienne applications

I've found that the julienne cut is an important subject when talking about knife skills, but in my recipes (from books, internet etc.) I've never found a sugge

Automatic dicer

I love cooking, but I hate dicing! I have a food processor that can slice really well, but it doesn't have any ability to do dicing. Does a device that can aut

How do I cut an oreo?

I recently made some decorated cupcakes that required oreo halves. I tried several methods: serrated knife - lots of crumbs, both halves would shatter plain kn

What does the term mirepoix mean? [closed]

What is mirepoix and what purpose does it serve? Is it a type of cut such as julienne or Macedonia, or is it a type of cuisine?

How to cut an egg without the yolk sticking to the knife?

I cut a number of eggs for a salad and had most yolks stuck to the knife. The problem, to me, is that the egg falls apart. The yolk is loose and the white as we

How to cook cubed fish for a fish taco (tortilla)

Today someone at work described eating a delicious halibut taco. I've never had one before but it sounds awesome, so I'm going to try to make one some time this

Is it true about a dull knife being more likely to cut you?

I've heard people argue that a dull knife is more likely to cut you than a sharp one. The argument is that you are more likely to cut yourself by applying too

Optimal shape to cut apples for apple pie

I have always enjoyed a slice of apple pie... in the morning... afternoon... and after dinner. Or anytime actually. And as such, I had to learn to bake my own a

How do I cut and serve my ribs?

I slow-cooked spare ribs on my grill yesterday: I'm not sure if that picture does it justice, but they were very tasty. The problem I had was cutting and se

Is there anything gained by butterfly cutting a hot dog for grilling?

A friend of mine butterfly cuts (in half lengthwise without separating) his hebrew national hot dogs before grilling them. I don't notice a difference in flavo

Is having an extending blade near the knife handle a serious risk when cutting food?

Here's an example of a very typical knife design: Look at where the arrow points. That's a blade part that extends from the handle orthogonal to the knife ax

How do I cut out the vein/tendon from a chicken breast tendorloin?

I like to cook grilled chicken sometimes to go in salads. The problem I always have is that in the chicken breast tendorloins I buy, there is always a tendon or

To chop or to blend?

Many dishes start off by finely chopping and then frying vegetables (usually onions, carrots, celery and maybe garlic) to get a good flavour base. If you want