Category "food-transport"

How to transport several pies?

I want to bring 6 pies to work. Last month, I thought I found a solution - a 3-tiered plastic pie carrier. Now I can't find it online anywhere, though I could s

Suggestions for convenient and safe methods of transporting a few meals without a vehicle?

I'd like to prepare a few meals for a cousin who recently gave birth. She lives about an hour and a half away, and I will be walking and taking public transport

Can I bring sausages on a plane? [closed]

I'd like to bring some raw Italian sausages with me when I fly from NYC to Seattle. Is it legal to pack sausages and/or ice in a carry-on? Wi

How prepared should a baked dessert be before a long transport?

I need to make a ~2.5-hour drive with a baked dessert (most likely a crisp/cobbler) but am unsure how prepared it should be beforehand. I suppose I have three o

candied mints storage and transporting long distance

I'm making mints for my nephew's wedding (containing powdered sugar, butter, white syrup). The wedding is in August. I have to travel more than 1,000 miles to w

What kind of Creme or Mousse is the most robust? How can I strengthen a mousse?

I want to make a multi layer cake where one of the top layers consists of some kind of mousse. I haven't decided on what kind of mousse/creme yet because I have

How to pack items that may leak liquids for lunch?

Today my husband packed me some shrimp burritos for lunch. They were very tasty, but unfortunately, a lot of liquid drained from them between morning and luncht

At which temperature Parmesan cheese must be transported?

I bought a piece of Parmesan cheese over internet. When it arrived (in a styrofoam box) I measured its temperature and it was 17,8° C (64° F). I think

How to keep fried fish warm and crispy during transport to venue?

I frequently cook for my choir and I wanted to serve fried fish. The problem is I have to cook the food at home and transport it to the church. How do I keep i

transporting roast beef

I know how to roast beef in the correct way and let it rest before slicing, without wrapping it and making it sweat etc. etc. My question is though that I'm ro

How to travel with a cake overseas?

I am planning to make a white or dark chocolate mudcake and take it from Australia to India in a month's time. I also need to ganache and fondant the cake eithe

Transporting confections

Lately I've been making a lot of chocolate truffles. The problem is, if you put them in a plastic box and drive them somewhere, they rattle around in the car, a

Transporting partially finished ravioli

In a couple of weeks I am catering a private dinner for a work relation. I will be prepping everything in my home kitchen and finishing off in their kitchen, me

How do I keep a hot meal fresh for several hours?

In three days, I will be picking up two fully-prepared chicken dinners - with potatoes, cole slaw, and a pre-packaged dessert - from work to home for my wife an

Storing and Transporting cooked fish

I need to take fish to a cooking challenge and the fish has to be cooked, kept hot and then stored and not eaten for possibly 10 hours. Is there are way to do

How to transport fresh ravioli to office potluck?

I made some fresh ravioli to take into an office potluck. I only have access to a microwave at work to reheat the food. I also don't want my ravioli to stick to

How can I keep streusel topping from getting soggy?

I make this Sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving, it has a streusel like topping. Usually I can bake this at the destination, but this year I need to bake at

Roasting pork and traveling

I have a 4 lb pork loin to roast, approx 2 hours. I also need to travel 1 hour distance. The pork is the main entree. Dinner is set for 6 pm. What is the best m

Food to bring to work and heat with a microwave [closed]

As I'll be soon moving from a small town in which I can come back home for lunch everyday to a bigger city in which it would be best to bring

How to hold salmon after cooking for travel to family dinner?

We'd like to bring salmon for our holiday family dinner. Is there a way to cook it at home and then take it to the destination without losing quality? (I expec