Category "salt"

What makes fleur de sel different from regular salt?

Fleur de sel is the salt from the top of the pot when you heat salted water. But what makes it different from the rest of the salt in the pot?

How long do you let a steak from the fridge come up to temperature, and when do you salt it?

Before cooking a steak, you're supposed to let it sit out at room temperature. You're also supposed to salt it. What is the proper timing for these steps? How l

How to fix food that got extra salty?

How to fix food that got extra salty? I imagine this depends on what the food is. With spaghetti, you can add water or change water if you detect it on time. Bu

What are some good substitutes for salt for those on low sodium diets?

I try to keep my sodium intake fairly low to ensure that my blood pressure doesn't get too high. Salt is such a common part of cooking, and it's especially dif

Soup is too salty!

I made a mistake with my lastest batch of chicken soup, and it's too salty to eat. Is there any way to save it?

How much salt should I add to a dish?

I find it hard to figure out how much salt to add to dishes. I'm always afraid I'll make it too salty. Recipes always call for salt to taste, but what does that

Substituting garlic powder for garlic salt?

I love using garlic powder but I also see recipes call for garlic salt. I thought that you could just add garlic powder instead of garlic salt (which of course

What is the difference between sea salt and regular table salt?

I often sea sea salt sold in grinders to be used at the table, with comments about how it tastes better. What sort of taste differences would I notice using sea

Less salty sauce based on soy

Basic ginger soy sauce: Mostly soy sauce, grated ginger, scallions, some rice wine. Some people find it too salty. What other liquids could I combine with the

Should meat be seasoned before or after cooking?

When should meat be seasoned? I heard that salting meat prior to cooking draws out the moisture but I have noticed that a number of chefs season their meat pri

Substituting table salt or sea salt for kosher salt?

The roasted chicken recipe I'm following of course calls for kosher salt, but I don't have any, and getting some is out of the question. I have sea salt and ta

Why do some recipes recommend Kosher salt?

Is it healthy or more tasty?

Why add salt to the water when cooking pasta?

What is the effect of adding salt to the water when cooking pasta?

Should you add some salt to flour when baking?

I was always taught to add a pinch of salt to flour when baking (mainly cakes / muffins and puddings). I have recipes that specifically mention adding salt and

What is the point of a salt mill?

Salt mills and pepper mills often come in pairs. I understand the purpose of the pepper mill: It breaks open the pepper corn and releases the aroma. But there

What foods/preparations demonstrate the flavor difference between sea salt and table salt?

Related to What is the difference between sea salt and regular table salt? What can I prepare that will work really well for a side-by-side comparison to demon

Where can I buy kosher salt in London?

I make a point of taking a few minutes to look around for the stuff whenever I go to a new supermarket / farmers market / ete etc and I haven't been able to fin

How much salt should I add to a dish?

I find it hard to figure out how much salt to add to dishes. I'm always afraid I'll make it too salty. Recipes always call for salt to taste, but what does that

Why add salt to the water when cooking rice?

Given the great answer to the question on adding salt to water when cooking pasta, I am curious whether the same explanation holds for rice as it does for pasta

Are there certain kinds of salts that work best for baking (cakes, bread, etc)?

As there are different kinds of salts which contain different minerals, is there a kind of salt that is better to use when baking? Does the kind of salt depe