Category "salt"

How can I get salt to stick better to buttered or oiled popcorn?

I make popcorn with butter or olive oil, but still when I add salt, especially kosher salt or coarse sea salt, it won't stick. Is there anything I can do to get

How to know how salty is my soup without tasting?

This is a sister to this question. I need a method or a trick to measure (or guess) how saline is my food using normal tools or substances available on the sup

What are some things to consider when choosing a salt?

What attributes are important when selecting salt for a dish? Specifically where you would use sea salt, kosher salt or plain table salt? I can often find s

What does it mean to 'salt' a steak prior to frying?

I see some references on this site to 'salting' a steak before frying it. What does this mean? Should I coat the steak in salt? I can imagine that would result

Substituting table salt for kosher salt when brining chicken

How much regular table salt should I use when brining chicken pieces? I don't have kosher salt, just regular iodised table salt. Does this really make a diffe

Advantages of using vinegar as a salt substitute for enhancing flavor?

I read a short blurb in Cooking for Geeks that said vinegar can be used as a substitute for salt, as a flavor enhancer, to make food less bland. I plan on expe

What is a good online resource for purchasing high quality sea salt? [closed]

I would like to purchase some very nice sea salts. There are many sources available online but it is hard to tell what their quality and reput

Can the amount of salt in the recipe be right?

I made sushi for the first time at the weekend. the seasoning for the rice had this recipe: 125 ml rice vinegar 30 ml mirin 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons

In a recipe, how much is "to taste"?

A lot of recipes I've been preparing lately often list salt and black pepper as "to taste" in terms of quantity. I get that the general idea is to make the food

When cooking pasta in salted water how much of the salt is absorbed?

Most chefs recommend that you should add quite a bit of salt to boiling water which you cook pasta in (sometimes 1 teaspoon). For those watching their sodium i

Does the use of kosher salt vs. table salt lead to a higher overall sodium intake?

When using kosher salt one has to use more kosher salt than table salt to achieve the same level of saltiness. Does it mean that using kosher salt causes one to

Does putting salt in coffee really remove bitterness?

I have seen people claim that putting salt in coffee enhances the flavour or removes bitterness. Example. Does this really work? If it does, how does it work?

Is there any truth to the idea that you shouldn't multiply seasonings when multiplying a recipe?

I often hear cooks discuss that idea that if you are multiplying, say, a recipe for 4 to be a for 32, that you shouldn't multiply some herbs, spices, or salt. I

Is there any way to "Salt" unsalted cashew pieces?

I picked up a bag of cashew pieces from the bulk bin last night got home and realized they were of the unsalted variety. Which are good but for a snack not quit

Is salt important to the texture of dough?

Does salt have any effect on the texture of doughs? My mother in law has gone on an ultra low salt kick and has taken to not putting salt in anything. This inc

Why throw salt over a barbecue before cooking?

At a recent barbecue in Chile, I watched the chef throw large handfuls of salt over the charcoal a few minutes before placing on the meat. What would be the re

Making jerkies less salty

So yesterday I made my first ever home-made jerky. It tastes great (I suppose I followed a good recipe). However, it is quite salty. I thought I didn't use a l

Recovering from Over Salted Sauerkraut

I recently finished my first batch of sauerkraut and tasted it only to find that it's way too salty. In referencing the original recipe, I realized that I used

How can I recreate the flavour of instant ramen without the salt?

I am looking to make my own instant ramen soup - nothing complicated, but there must be a way to duplicate the instant variety without all the salt. I've played

Rinse the salt off a steak before cooking?

I've been trying to perfect my technique for cooking a steak indoors. It was recommended to salt the steak about 30 minutes before cooking. I used kosher salt,