Category "clams"

Which is the best way to de-grit clams and mussels? Salt, cornmeal, or salt + cornmeal?

What's the most effective way to de-grit clams and mussels? Apparently there are 3 possibilities. Salt only. Cornmeal only. Salt and cornmeal. Has any academ

How can I find wire rack/sieve to put clams or mussels on top, in giant bowl?

I found instructions to place clams in a sieve or similar when purging to prevent them from taking up the sand and grit again. This makes a lot of sense, but I

What soaking duration for clams in salt water you never exceed?

I phoned supermarket, and seafood monger said "DON'T soak clams and mussels for same time". She said "you can soak clams overnight, but not mussels". She got no

Clams frozen before purging

I got excited to find out my friends family vacation home is on a river where a ton of delicious clams live. TI caught a bunch of live clams, then hastily put t