Category "coloring"

How can I fix an unpleasant color in a dish?

Last night, I made a Peperonato pasta sauce. It was delicious, but when I added the balsamic vinegar at the end of the dish and then cooked it off (leaving a sw

How to make saffron really color my risotto?

So I've recently bought some saffron (stems, not ground), then tried to make some Risotto with it. I got my water boiling and added about 5 stems to it. I didn'

Would the same mixing principles that apply to paint work for Food Coloring variations?

If I wanted to create different shades using Food Coloring, is there a different method of mixing them or would the same principles apply as with paint. Is the

I would like to make my own food coloring with natural vegetables, what is the technique?

I read that you can use Beets to make a natural Red food coloring, how would I go about doing this?

What is the best way to make purple butter icing?

Will mixing red and blue food couloring work or is there a better method?

How do I colour ready-to-roll icing

I'm making a cake for my daughter's birthday. I'm a bit rubbish with icing and decorating, so I plan to buy some ready-to-roll icing to cover the cake. The prob

What effects will xylitol have as a sugar substitute?

What effects does xylitol have when used in place of sugar? Will replacing sugar with xylitol lower the calories in my candy? Does it have a laxative effect

Tips for patriotic vanilla ice cream

My wife will be making home-made vanilla ice cream with our ice cream machine tomorrow. To celebrate the holiday, we wanted to make it red, white, and blue ice

Why are drippings from restaraunt ground beef colored orange?

I've noticed over the years that whenever I cook ground beef from the grocery store, the drippings in the beef are typically clear in color. When eating out, i

How do I color an egg black? [closed]

My friend and I are trying to make 'ninja black eggs' which are essentially hollowed eggs filled with powdered material. We have two questi

How can you make gray or black butter?

Soon, I'll be serving garlic bread, but I would like to add something to the garlic-butter, to make it darker (gray or black). It should look like lead. So far

Are American food colourings weaker than in other countries?

I was looking at baking a yet-to-be-determined-colour velvet cake, and happened upon a recipe for blue velvet cake:

Where is a good place to buy food coloring in bulk?

We use a lot of food coloring, not so much for cooking but for activities with my little one. Do you know of a good place to buy food coloring in bulk (either i

Why is my green tea brown?

As Crystal Gale once wrote, "You're gonna make my green tea, brown." Or something like that. When I typically order (the free or close-to-free) green tea at J

How to prevent food colouring changing the taste of food?

I am a keen baker with a big sweet tooth. I often use coloured icing and sponge when I bake, but often the colouring I use changes the taste of the icing/sponge

Colored cake without food coloring?

I'm wanting to make a layer cake for a birthday WITHOUT food coloring. Specifically, I'm wanting to make red and blue. Could I add raspberry juice or puree to a

Coloring colored ice-cream

I would like to buy strawberry ice-cream for my friend, and most of the strawberry-flavored ice-cream is pink in color. However, I am thinking of serving the ic

How to color Jiaozi (chinese dumplings)?

I am planning to make Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) for a friend's party. Because she is vegatarian I'd like to make one set of vegetable dumplings and one set of

How can I color pasta during cooking or afterwards, preferably using natural coloring?

My daughter asked me if I could make her red bowtie pasta in honor of Matt Smith as Dr. Who. I'd rather not use an artificial dye. Either way, how would I g

When should food colouring be added to part of a batch of bread dough?

I recently made coloured swirled bread, in which different colours of dough (in my case a coloured and an uncoloured piece) were rolled together and baked in th