Category "dumplings"

What is special about pierogi dough?

I wanted to make home-made pierogis. Is there a special dough that needs to be used? I wanted the pierogis to be fairly thick - what type of dough would work b

Making Dumpling Conserve Better

When I make Chinese or Japanese style dumplings I often make too many and then store some for the next day When I reheat them, they always go a bit strange and

How to cook pelmeni in the microwave?

Is it possible to cook pelmeni (пельмени) — Russian meat dumplings — in the microwave without any pr

What organic grains can I substitute for self-rising (Gold Medal) flour?

My nine (7) year old step-daughter is expecting to help me make Chicken and Dumpling today. I have the recipe for the stew, my question lies in the dumplings:

Fluffy matzo balls

It's that time of year. The seasons are changing and I've got myself a cold, for which there is no better culinary cure than matzo ball soup. I can make a pret

Is Spaetzle a pasta or a dumpling?

Is it a pasta or a dumpling and what is the difference? To me, a pasta is smooth and shaped and doesn't have any "filling" (but can have ingredients added to

Why is gnocchi a dumpling and not a noodle?

I've recently been told that gnocchi is technically a dumpling, not a noodle. What about it causes gnocchi to fall under the dumpling category?

Dumplings - What happened?

I made chicken and dumplings today and after 20 minutes I checked my dumplings and they were done but disgustingly soft. I let them cook for 10 more minutes and

Looking for Chicken & Dumplings pointers

A young lady I know has informed me that "Chicken & Dumplings" is amongst her favorite dishes. I have only attempted this a few times with only marginal suc

What is the authentic way to cook pierogi?

I've been buying pre-packaged pierogi from Trader Joe's and local Polish delis. But I can't seem to get a straight or consistent answer on how you are supposed

Types of potato for making gnocchi

I've made gnocchi with different types of potato with mixed result. Can anyone recommend a type that is particularly good for making gnocchi?

How can I replicate authentic German potato dumplings?

I lived in Southern Germany (Bavaria) for 5 years and while over there, my family fell in love with potato dumplings. I’m talking about the ones that are

What’s the sulfur in dumplings for?

When making Thuringian potato dumplings, an integral part in the process is the so-called “Schwefeln”: Sulfur that comes on threads is burnt inside

Why are my dumplings made of evil?

I made a fairly simple chicken-and-dumpling stew recipe; however, after one bite of dumpling, I have the most wretched aftertaste. The soup is fine; however, th

How to color Jiaozi (chinese dumplings)?

I am planning to make Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) for a friend's party. Because she is vegatarian I'd like to make one set of vegetable dumplings and one set of

Can I make gyoza with raw meat?

I know it's traditional to make gyoza filling with raw vegetables, but is it also made with raw meat, or should it be cooked first? With other types of dumpling

How do I cook store-bought glutinous rice dumplings?

I bought some pork-filled glutinous rice dumplings from a Chinese supermarket, but I've no idea how to cook them! Someone told me to drop them into a pan of wa

Making dumplings without a snug lid

I'm making Chicken and Dumplings for dinner tonight but I had forgotten that I loaned out my usual Dutch oven, I won't be able to get it back in time. That leav

Should I freeze gyoza before or after cooking?

I'm about to make a big batch of gyoza and I don't want to eat them all now. I was thinking about freezing them and I want to know which is best from a food-saf

Quick and Easy Beef Stew and Dumplings

I want to combine two off the shelf products with existing recipes into a single off the shelf heat and eat ready to go meal. Dinty Moore Beef Stew & Dumpl