Category "carrots"

How did/do the Russians make carrot tea?

A while ago I read a book about the Russian Civil War (it was Blood on the Snow by Emanuel Litvinoff) in which the characters frequently drank coffee made out o

Why are non-orange coloured carrots so uncommon?

Carrots come in a great variety of colours, from almost white to dark purple. However, the most ubiquitous colour variety is orange, and often the only to be fo

Are carrots safe to eat after they have turned black?

I recently got a bag of carrots out of the fridge, and find that most of them had turned black. What causes this, and are they safe to eat (with or without pee

blackened carrot cake

I have a favorite carrot cake recipe that I have made many times. it is always beautiful and tasty (although I am sure some would debate that since it contains

Ways to Store Carrots for more days

I recently brought a whole 2KG bag of carrots. They seemed fine the day I brought, but eventually, the skin of the carrot evolved to a black layer. However, whe

What is the white film on my wet carrots?

I was juicing carrots tonight and was getting rid of (juicing) some older baby carrots that nobody wanted to eat. They felt a bit "slimier" than usual, but sme

I am wondering if certain ingredients go together [closed]

I am making Spinach an Pea soup and would like to know if adding some grated carrots to it would be good?

How to properly store cubed carrots?

Should cubed carrots be stored in a water or just as they are. I've seen it done both ways, so I would like to know which way is correct and why. These cubed

Carrots turning dark at heads, and on skin after chopping?

Please see attached photos. We are a small food processing plant, and recently it came to my attention some of the carrots we have been purchasing have been

How do I avoid carrot slices rolling away?

When you slice carrots, the slices tend to roll away. This previous question did mention this as part of a broader issue, but didn't focus on it enough to get a

Why was my carrot cake very heavy?

I made carrot cake but it turned out very heavy. Is this normal? I followed this recipe: 2 cups all purpose flour 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp each: cinnamon, sa

Are carrots dyed orange?

I was in the supermarket and I noticed that one brand of "organic" carrots was a very pale orange, but another brand of carrots was bright orange. Is this colo

White bristles on carrots

I've had carrots in a plastic bag in the fridge for a few weeks and when I went to use them today, I noticed there are what I can best describe as white bristle

How to shred carrots without them getting mushy

My goal is to shred carrots to use in a green salad. I've used graters with differently-sized holes, but it seems whenever I shred carrots, the shredded bits ar

carrot and potato dumplings question

My question is for potato and carrot dumplings as follows, what sort of binder would you recommend to make it more stable for frying or boiling? I've tried eggs

potato and carrot dumpling,how would you make it diabetic frendly? [closed]

not sure how to put this recipe up for others to cross-reference but it's on if anyone wants to find it. the recipes name is carrot a

How to prevent carrot juice from turning brown?

I've been juicing up carrots with a centrifugal juice extractor. There's a lot of overhead (prep and cleanup) so it makes sense to do a big batch and keep it in

How can I break an emulsion making carotene butter?

I am making carotene butter by mixing clarified butter and carrot juice. The idea is that I now need to separate the carotene infused butter from the juice. Th

Why would a commercial kitchen buy enormous carrots?

I was recently on a Caribbean cruise ship, and took the behind-the-scenes tour (it was fun seeing an immersion blender the size of an outboard motor!). While we

Why orange carrots turn black while peeled?

Freshly bought carrots turn black (like coal) on peeled surfaces in minutes if not seconds. I wonder why and why are these special. Obviously it is not black r