Category "soft-boiled-eggs"

How to soft boil an egg

Is there a fool proof way to make sure the white of the egg is set but either all or some of the yolk remains runny?

Soft Boiled Egg Science

I've heard that the white part of an egg cooks (solidifies) at about 63°C (145°F). I've heard that the yolk cooks at about 68°C (154°F). Is this

Can you peel a soft boiled egg?

Is there anything other than the temperature of the shell making it difficult to peel? I'm sure the white would be firm enough to withstand a gentle peeling if

Are soft boiled eggs and poached eggs identical?

Today I heard from a friend, that poached eggs are simply glorified soft-boiled eggs and that there is no way to distinguish between the two except for the form

How to soft boil eggs with a countertop egg steamer?

Having misplaced the custom measuring cup for an "egg steamer" device, not quite sure how to steam eggs. Desired result: so that: The perfect soft-boile

Eggs whites on top and side of yolk

When I make a sunny side egg, I notice that the yolk can be sunny side up and ready to eat, yet sometimes there is what seems to be a "ring" of egg white around