Category "canning"

How long should I wait until I put new jars in?

Currently canning some banana peppers. I have a large stock pot set up with a 3 jar canning rack. I just finished a round of jars in the stock pot and the water

Why are my canning lids popped out?

My wife has been trying to can some foods using the canning techniques that she's familiar with from Romania, but with the American-style canning jars and lids

Has anyone had experience canning with "Quattro Stagioni" Jars?

I am in the midst of canning a variety of items that require either boiling water bath processing or pressure canning. I usually use a two part lid and screw b

Is it safe to remove the rings on jars for long-term storage of home-canned goods?

Is it okay to store the canned goods without the ring screwed on it? I know someone who removes the screwed rings off her jars once they're processed and then

How to determine if canning is safe?

How can I tell if it is safe to can a particular homemade sauce? Is it just a function of pH and technique (pressure vs boiling water) or are there any other fa

How do I make shelf stable legume dishes in vacuum bags?

how do I make shelf stable cooked legumes in vacuum sealed bags at home?

Can I use citric acid instead of lemon juice when canning?

I am making wine jelly and have run out of lemons. I have some citric acid in the pantry. Can I use the citric acid instead? The jelly calls for half a cup of l

How can I avoid limp strawberries?

When using strawberries to make a preserve (canning process), they become limp and lose colour Is there a way to avoid this?

Can I can bacon?

This question is my wife's. Of course, I wouldn't want to save bacon for later. I have seen commercial canned bacon for long term food storage and camping, etc

Is the double boiling canning procedure really necessary?

It seems the usual procedure is to sanitize cans and lids by immersing them in boiling water, to fill the cans, and then to cap them and boil for a few more min

How can I keep my jam from overcooking while I process it?

As we've rolled into fruit season this year I've started canning up some jams using a traditional boiling process in my big stock pot (though I'm getting pretty

How to take canned beans out of jar?

Is there any method to take canned beans out of the jar without spoiling the beans, as they are kind of sticking on each other?

Canning in a Pressure Cooker

Well, unfortunately the present my mom got me last Christmas turned out to be a pressure cooker and not a pressure canner. I've read that it is unsafe to can

Is there a way to safely can pesto sauce?

I grow basil and I have enough that I would like to can some pesto sauce. I have tried to find a way to can it but I keep hitting a wall. I would like to g

Hand operated can sealer

Do hand operated can sealing machines work as well as commercial automatic machines in terms of seal quality and storage life? Keen to give it a go, but can'

Keeping ripe pears for canning later

I picked my pears Labor day weekend like I always do but when I went to can them the following weekend only about 1/4 of them were ripe. Now the rest are all ve

Does cornstarch affect the pH of what I'm cooking?

I'm considering canning some fruit compotes to use with yogurt, and the recipe I want to use (which was not designed with canning in mind, found here: http://ww

Stockpot double as beer brewing pot

I wanted to buy a large stockpot for canning tomato sauce and be able to use the same pot for the double purpose of beer brewing. I'm considering Update Interna

Can pressure canning be replaced water bath canning?

I wanted to make and can, my Grandma's tomato soup. However I don't have a pressure canner. I made the soup in a 15 PSI pressure cooker and then poured it into

What can I do if I didn't process my salsa long enough?

I made salsa last week, and processed the jars (quarts) for 20 minutes (may have been 25, I forgot to note exactly when the water started to boil). I got my ti