Category "recipe-reverse-engineering"

What ingredients do Bernaise sauce and fruit smoothies have in common?

I am trying to narrow down the source of a food allergy. I had a really bad reaction recently and that was my second bad reaction in 2 years. In the first insta

Reverse-Engineering Trader Joe's Garden Vegetable Soup

I'm trying to reverse-engineer Trader Joe's garden vegetable soup. I have the full ingredients list and the nutrition facts. However, I don't know what ratios t

What was Country Herb Chicken Sauce Blend?

An old hand-written recipe calls for one package of "Country Herb Chicken Sauce Blend", a presumably retired McCormick product. The recipe is quite similar to t

White bread without the "yeasty" or "bready" flavor

I'm trying to recreate a very specific brand of white bread from my parents' hometown, which isn't available outside about a 60-mile radius since the bakery doe