Category "fermentation"

Can sour cream be made the same way as yogurt? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Is it possible to make Sour Cream at home? I make yogurt by adding a small amount of yogurt to milk, heating it sl

Does using a sponge in a brioche make a difference?

I want to make brioche and have seen several recipes. Some use a sponge and some don't. Is there a difference in the end product (flavour, texture, look...)?

What is the difference in flavor between a fermented pickle and a vinegar pickle?

I'm interested in experimenting with pickling, and I'm wondering what the difference in flavor is between a classically fermented pickle and one made using vine

Beans Cultured with Yogurt

Is the store-bought yogurt a good "starter" to culture cooked beans to reduce the gas-producing oligosaccharides? Does it contain the right kind of bacteria to

How come mere water buffalo milk and lemon juice mixture turn into yogurt?

Yogurt is produced by the fermentation of lactose in milk by the bacteria of yogurt-ferment. Without those bacteria it is not possible to make yogurt. But surp

Can one get sick from drinking too much home made Water Kefir? [closed]

Using well water and some Odwalla orange juice.. What is the maximum amount that is safe for consumption daily?

My sauerkraut has mold covering the surface, is it ok?

I had a batch of sauerkraut fermenting in the basement. During the fermentation I had to leave for over a week and left my roommates with the basic instruction

Techniques for making sourdough starter in cold/altitude

I want to try my hand at making sourdough starter but live in high altitude and cold weather. I'm not sure if the altitude is an issue but I don't think my hous

What weights to use for fermenting sauerkraut?

I am new to making sauerkraut. I do know the right ingredients for making sauerkraut, based on searching on Google. My question is what equipment should I use

What might cause a tangy flavor in hummus?

I'm pretty sure that this is an intended flavor; there's a great and authentic middle eastern restaurant nearby and their hummus tastes noticeably tangy. Other

Fermented rice horchata

I have been making some horchata (using white rice, cinnamon and water). I left it for a day and when I returned, it looked slightly fermented (a stream of bubb

How do I control the quality of a kombucha SCOBY?

I'm starting to make my own Kombucha and have seen scoby with many different colors, shapes, textures, etc. My goal is to have a scoby that produces good probi

Kimchi in Mason Jars -- Too Sealed?

I recently mixed 8 quarts of kimchi. I stuffed my cabbage into 8, 1-quart Mason Jars. I left the typical buffer space (about 1-inch) below the lid. I told someo

What is causing my sauerkraut to smell sweet?

I've been fermenting a batch of sauerkraut and it's been going for about a month. It's tasted great and has just recently started to develop some winey flavors.

How to make beet kvass in Winter?

I often make fermented beet kvass. This was going well in summer, but now in the colder weather the environment is too cold for the kvass to ferment properly.

Using Sourdough Breads to reduce Fructans

Short version: How can you minimise the fructan content of a spelt sourdough loaf? Is using a freshly rebuilt starter (low acidity, low sourness) ok? Is 9-10 ho

Why does my beet kvass taste bad?

I took 4 medium beets, chopped them up in a medium dice, put the beets in a 1-gallon Pickl-It jar. I added 1 ½ tablespoon unrefined sea salt, added filte

Is Nattou safe to eat when it has white dots on it?

I bought a couple packs of Nattou (fermented soybeans) and stored it in my refrigerator. They come sealed in plastic, so I opened the plastic and only ate abo

Is Jalebi acidic?

I would like to know if Jalebi is acidic or not? I want to create a dish using milk and Jalebi. But if Jalebi is acidic in nature than it will react with the mi

Why does the sour taste in yogurt increase with time?

If we let yogurt sit for more days, the yogurt becomes more and more sour. Why does that happen?