Category "driedherbs"

How to remove stem bits from dried rosemary

I bought some dried rosemary and discovered that it includes some tiny bits of stem along with the dried leaves. Separating out the undesirable bits using my f

Two different gynostemma teas taste completely different, why?

So i've ordered 2 different brands of gynostemma (or jiaogulan in chinese) and they each taste very differently. The first one I've ordered tastes extremely bit

Fresh spices vs Dried spices

I am new to this community and I have a question in mind. Spices like garlic , cinnamon etc after drying lose the volatile oil content in them. [HERE, HERE] T

berberis vulgaris vs berberis aristata

I was reading about zershek (dried berberis vulgaris fruit) in Iran and being Indian , I searched if this is grown in India. I found that berberis aristata is g

How long can home dried herbs be stored?

I am growing the "heal-all herb", Prunella Vulgaris, and am planning to dry the leaves and flowers in order to make a medicinal tea. How long is it safe to keep

Name of an herb or spice that is small, dark spines [closed]

My question is about an herb that my mother used in her spaghetti sauce, and that I did as well using her recipe... And neither of us can reme

Do dried peppermint leaves lose flavor quickly in cooking? [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out at which stage of cooking should I add finely chopped dried pepppermint leaves to get some minty flavor in my cooking

What to do with a large bag of dried fennel seeds [closed]

I've come into the possession of half a kilo of dried fennel seeds. I don't generally cook with it or have any meal prep ideas that I can add