Category "salt"

What is the difference between kosher salt and unprocessed sea salt?

I have read that the difference between sea salt and kosher salt is that sea salt is generally processed in that it has minerals added to it which were lossed d

Is there a salt antidote? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How to fix food that got extra salty? Is there any way to resurrect a dish if you put too much salt into it ? I k

If you brine a chicken and then boil it in soup, how much salt, if any, will come out and go into the liquid?

Suppose you brine a chicken in a heavy solution e.g. 10% saline. Suppose you now boil this chicken in water which does not contain salt or contains a little sa

Can state of chicken affect brine?

I have been trying to brine chicken and it never seems to brine successfully. I have followed the brine procedure correctly. I added 2 litres of spring water

Is there anything wrong with keeping oil, salt, and vinegar together? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Need to refrigerate vinaigrette? I am curious if there is anything wrong with keeping oil, salt, and vinegar toget

Made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it?

I made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it? From some google searches - one said to put raw potatoes to

Does adding salt when soaking dry beans toughen or soften the skin of the bean?

I have heard opinions on both sides of this. The the latest answer on this site, says salt softens bean skins quoted Cooks Illustrated (I can't see the article

How many times can I use a salt block?

I've been reading up on Himalayan pink salt blocks. I am mainly interested in cooking with them, like cast iron. But, I noticed that they are a bit pricey, ab

Is white cabbage that has turned rose-colored still safe to eat?

We sliced and grated some white cabbage three days ago and left it salted and completely covered in a plastic container. It has since then turned rose-colored.

How much salt can I safely add to bread dough?

I recently made ciabatta, which turned out very well, with a good crust and nice open crumb. However, I felt it could use more salt to give extra flavour. I'm a

What are the differences between slow cooking and poaching a chicken soup and how does slow cooking/poaching soup affect salt absorbtion?

1.What is the difference between poaching and slow cooking? I believe in poaching you are meant to remove chicken 20 minutes after boiling so the meat doesn't

Does a mechanical meat tenderiser denature chicken so that it will absorb more salt water?

Does a mechanical meat tenderiser denature chicken to the point it will absorb more salt water in a soup? If I use a £20-£40 meat tenderiser on chi

When is slow cooking important to salt absorbtion, before or after boil?

Does the speed at which you reach the highest temperature affect salt absorption? Does slow cooking matter before or after reaching the highest temperature or

How much salt should I put in a vegetable stew?

I'm making a vegan vegetables soup (i.e no powders or prepared stock - just fresh vegetables and fresh spices), and I'm not sure how much salt to put in to just

Why is salt sprinkled on top of soft pretzels?

For the sake of this question, I am referring to all lye bread. I want to make this clarification since outside of the US the term "pretzel" is usually referrin

Will hard boiled eggs absorb salt through the shell?

In this America's Test Kitchen video they add salt to the cold water when hard boiling eggs. Would the salt actually permeate the shell and flavor the egg? Tha

How to mix the perfect amount of salt?

I take a tumbler with an ounce of water and add a teaspoon of salt to it and then add this salty water mix to the curry or dish I am preparing at the moment. I

Make bacon less salty

I just finished a burger that I got at a local butcher/deli. The burger was half ground chuck and half apple wood smoked bacon. It was delicious. The only pr

Why is salt sometimes added to straight coffee?

Sometimes a pinch of salt is added to a cup of coffee - but why? Is this only done for low-quality or mediocre coffee? When is the best time during the coff

How much salt does fish in brine absorb?

Suppose you brine fish e.g. tuna and then eat the tuna raw i.e. uncooked. Would salt have penetrated completely into the tissues or would only the surface be s