Category "coffee"

How might I roast coffee at home without investing in an expensive roasting machine?

Tired of the bland supermarket beans and too poor to sate my thirst at the local roaster, so I've ordered 20lbs of green coffee beans online... But, now what d

Good ways to store coffee?

What are some key points to store coffee to preserve freshness? Different methods for whole beans vs ground?

Caffeine content of cold-brewed coffee: higher or lower than hot-brewed?

I recently rediscovered the joys of cold-brewing coffee. (One level cup of rough-ground beans, 4-1/2 cups of cold water, steeped overnight and strained, produce

Reusing coffee grounds

Besides using it as a fertilizer, how else can I reuse my coffee grounds?

What's the best method for making iced coffee?

How should we make iced coffee at home? We only have a French press.

What kind of coffee grinder is best?

I need to get a coffee grinder. What kind is best? I have heard that burr mills are better; are they worth the extra cost? Which ones last longer? Update: I

An alternative to Baileys?

In this video of triple chocolate pudding recipe, a shot of Baileys is added to whipped cream. Other than Baileys, what can I add to the cream?

Frothing Milk By Hand

What is a consistent method to froth milk if I do not have a steam wand? I have tried things like a whisk and an Aerolatte with mixed success.

Best Office Coffee Solution [closed]

What is the best coffee solution for a small office (about 10 people)? We are looking for something that is: Tasty Fast Easy We have fairly

Should whole coffee beans be stored at room temperature, the fridge or freezer?

My coffee is normally used up within 1 week and is of unknown age on purchase, do I need to do anything extra to make it last a week?

Ideal coffee grind for a French Press?

I recently picked up this Bodum "French Press" style coffee maker and so far, I'm really enjoying it for its simplicity. But I'm curious how I should be grindin

wishy-washy caffè frappè

I'm trying to do the Greek drink "Caffè Frappè". I'm using 2 tea spoon of spray dried coffee and 2 tea spoons of sugar. I've added a little of ice

Keeping a sugar solution in the fridge

Based on a the coffee questions I've seen, it seems that hot beverage questions are in scope, so here goes mine: We like keeping iced coffee in the fridge, pa

Why is cream curdled in coffee?

Why would liquid half-and-half creamer curdle when poured into hot coffee? This happens to me sometimes, and I'm not sure why. Could it have something to do wit

How often should I clean my coffeepot, and what is the preferred method?

We use a typical drip coffee maker with a thermos-type pot. Naturally I rinse the pot and filter holder every day, but how often do I need to clean it more thor

Does water that's been left to sit and then reboiled taste different from fresh water boiled once?

This may sound like a silly question, but I've always wondered: If I boil some water and use some of it and leave the remainder in the kettle, and then a few da

What factors lead to rich crema on espresso?

I love espresso, especially when it has a rich crema (the head that forms on top of a well made shot). I notice that some cafes produce this consistently while

What kinds of coffee beans are more successful at producing crema on espresso?

This question mentions one factor in crema production to be the choice of beans. I have tried many types (brands), all approximately equal in darkness of roast

How do you reduce static in a coffee grinder?

Is there a way to reduce/eliminate the static buildup in a burr grinder? I've tried a few different coffee grinders and inevitably on removing the grinds bin,

Is there a way to infuse roasted coffee beans with different flavors?

I would like to be able to grind my own flavored coffee beans - hazelnut, French vanilla ect.. However, I don't want to buy the coffee beans that are already fl