Category "starter"

What water should be used in baking bread?

Should I change the water or flour I feed my starter? I am using the same recipe provided by Chad Robertson's book 'Tartine Bread', only changing the water from

How do I tell if my cheese culture is still good?

I made cream cheese in November and prepared some of my own starter culture from that batch to save money down the line when I wanted to make cheese again. Well

Making Herman the German starter using brown sugar

I have a recipe for Herman the German cake and starter that calls for white sugar. One of the comments said the person used brown sugar to feed Herman. It was

Amish Friendship Bread starter with buttermilk

I saw a recipe for an Amish Friendship Bread that called for buttermilk in the starter and feedings. If I made this and gave some away, are the recipients now

Blue/green mold on sourdough starter

I have been following instructions from KAF to start my own sourdough. On day 3, some small patches of blue/green mold appeared on the surface. The starter was

Starters vs Entree

I've been watching Hell's Kitchen USA and they have Starters/Appetisers, Entrees and Desserts. In Australia, we have Entree, Mains and Desserts, so its very con

Does injera require a starter?

I want to make Ethiopian injera bread at home, but the recipes I've seen are inconsistent about whether a bread starter is needed. Do I need to use a sourdough

Why throw away so much sourdough starter? Tartine Book no. 3

this is the first time I've use this site to ask a question: I've been meaning to bake some sourdough bread for a long while. I've been just hung up on the rec

Maintaining Sourdough Starter - Are potato flakes/water necessary?

I just got some sourdough starter going with the Oregon Trail, and it seems to be doing quite well. However, the guide calls for using potato flakes or potato w

Maintaining Sourdough Starter

Given the time of year and my home's shoddy heating, I opted to put my starter on top of the clothes dryer to keep it warm. With five people in my family it get

Sourdough starter began acting strange after storing in fridge

I recently began developing a sourdough starter and it seemed much easier than it sounded - within a few days it was growing well and smelled good (like yeasty

Will a Sourdough starter from one locale change to yeasts of current locale over time?

I currently have about 8 different sourdough starters purchased from other locales. They are all 5 plus years, I am wondering if they have all become the same.

Issue starting a sourdough starter

I'm making my second attempt at a sourdough starter. I tried once in the past and I now know that I just didn't stick with it long enough and had a bad bread re

Sourdough Starter Crust forming

I am creating a sourdough starter and read to use a "non-airtight" container and store in a warm location for the first 24 hours before beginning the feeding sc

Starter with water, flour, grated apple

I successfully obtained a working sourdough starter using rye and wheat flour, water, and grated apple. The dough made with it rose in a banetton and was invert

Why did my Sourdough starter stopped rising? [duplicate]

Ok so I started my starter (no pun intended) a few days ago. I got a recipe that said I should keep it at room temp and feed it once a day wit

Do commercial yogurt starters (i.e.: store-bought yogurt) actually degrade over time?

I've seen quite a few sites make the claim that commercial yogurt starters will stop working after a few generations (example), so home yogurt makers should use

Can I replace sugar with cane syrup in sourdough recipe

I'm baking my own sourdough bread (whole wheat-rye). Recipe calls for adding 2 table spoons of sugar with a bit of milk to get the starter, well... started. I

Can I halve the Amish Friendship Bread recipe?

If you're not familiar with Amish Friendship Bread, or if it's been a while: Basically you mush the bag of starter every day for ten days. On days 5 and 10 you

My sourdough starter has turned yellow is it still good?

I have two sourdough starters going one I keep in the frig. the other on the counter. The one on the counter has all of a sudden turned yellow. It was fine yest