Category "salt"

How does the quantity of salt change after the steaming stage when cooking pulao?

When making pulao1, I taste the salt in the broth before the steaming stage (also called dum). At this time, the saltiness is just right. But after the rice has

Seasoning pasta water

Is it possible to oversalt pasta water? Will the extra salt be unabsorbed or would the pasta be noticeable too salty? Is there anything people add to pasta wate

How can I be more frugal with salt when cooking (dried) pasta?

When cooking pasta (from dried), I currently need to add a significant amount of salt to the water to add flavour. As the pasta itself is extremely cheap, and

Rubbing eggplants in salt

I saw somewhere they rubbed sliced eggplants in salt and leaving them out up to an hour before putting them in the oven. From what I understood it had to do som

Do salt or vinegar in the boiling water help peeling eggs?

In another question, a user commented I've heard some tales that vinegar helps with peeling afterwards and another one responded both are totally us

Alternative to salt when using Mortar and Pestle

For numerous reasons, I need to prepare the vast majority of food salt-free. Been doing this since the 80's, and now we are very sensitive to any added salt in

Is it good to store a salt block with silica packs?

We recently started using an Himalayan salt block. We cleaned it as per the directions, and the storage said to scrub it, dry it, let it air dry, and store it

Does salt prevent water from absorbing nutrients and falvours from food?

A long time ago, I read somewhere, that there is a very specific reason, why we put salt in the water for cooking pasta: The point is to hinder the water from a

(Survival Salt) Extract Salt from natural sorces (In the wild) without the Ocean

I'm inquiring to learn a survival technique in the wilderness. How can I extract and crystallize salt (sodium chloride) from wild plants, animals, or rocks, wi

Question about soft cures and curing salts

I was advised that your curing salts should be added 0.2% of the salt by weight, so if you have 125kg worth of koshering salt, that is 250grams of curing salt.

Does chocolate ice cream tend to have more salt than strawberry or vanilla?

To the question Why does chocolate ice cream melt faster than others? I wrote an answer that suggests that it's not because of chocolate ice cream's dark color,

Lightly salted water?

I often see a recipe that require something to be boiled in "lightly salted water" e.g. Semmelknödel, but I'm always in doubt on how much salt that actuall

Forgot to add salt to french fries while soaking it in hot water

I tried to make french fries at home for the first time. As I searched over the internet, there are four steps, Soak the potatoes in cold water for 20 mins So

Salt turned peas from creamy to crunchy

Here is what I did, I boiled a bag of frozen peas,about 400 grams, in a pot of water. I checked for tenderness after a while and they were creamy on the inside

What do I do with the egg that contains a crack while curing in brine?

I am making some salted eggs using a saturated brine solution. I just noticed one of the eggs has crack in it. Should I be worried? The recipe instruction says

Is iodized salt unsuitable for baking bread?

I've heard it said that iodized salt produces an acrid flavor when heated to high temperatures, such as for baking. Is there any truth to this?

Keeping meat in salt water

Let's say that I want to keep meat in my fridge for a week. From what I read, this is frowned upon, as it leaves time for bacteria to develop and to produce tox

Could you brine steak?

I have read that brining pork chops is a good idea but can you brine beef steaks of various cuts? Would this achieve anything good or spectacular or is it just

How do you make unsalted olives?

How do I cure olives without using salt? Is oil the only option? Or salt free fermentation of some sort? I found this one claiming to be unsalted but couldn't

Forgot to add salt to rice before cooking. How can I add salt after cooking to fix that?

I cooked jasmine long grain rice - but forgot to add salt before cooking. It is a small amount, about 250 ml dry rice.* When the 20 min where over, I noticed