Category "salt"

Cooked bacon too salty

I Have already cooked in the slow cooker overnight the bacon and forgot to soak. It is now really really salty and unfit to eat. How can I solve now and get r

Overly salted sauerkraut

I made two batches of sauerkraut. The first one turned out great and is already canned. In the 2nd batch I put too much salt, and it is not working as quickl

Baking beetroot in coffee crust

I've just read a blog post from Amass restaurant. I got very curious about roasting beetroot in coffee grounds as they said in the article. Looking a bit furthe

Salt won't dissolve in buttermilk brine

I'm making fried chicken and the first step of most recipes involve soaking the chicken in a buttermilk and salt brine to tenderise it. However, I have had pr

Accidentally omitted salt from my gingerbread cookies... what should I do?

I forgot to add the salt in my gingerbread dough, and it's already in the fridge. Should I re do the dough? Is there a way to add it in?

Will putting a salted steak into a preheated stainless steel pan cause pitting?

Typically when I cook steak, I salt/pepper it and then leave it out for a while to warm up. Next, I preheat my non-stick pan, put in olive oil, and add the ste

Sugar and Salt Solutions

When making bread dough, can sugar and salt solutions be used or should the sugar and salt be added dry?

What can be done with accidentaly oversalted beef?

I mistakenly marinated some thin beef with regular salt for one day before barbecuing it, turns out you're not supposed to do that! Even after washing it, it is

If I double a bread recipe do I double the salt? [duplicate]

I think it was my mom who gave me the rule of thumb that when you double a recipe you double everything except the salt. I'm willing to defer

How do potatoes work against salt

For people cooking now and then it is common knowledge that you have to add an extra of salt if you're including potatoes in your meal. But what is the (biolog

What is the difference between normal salt and salt of guérande?

What is the difference between the salt of guérande sel de guérande and normal salt ? I have a truffle flavored sel de guérande, which hav

Is it possible to make salty avocado Ice Cream without a machine?

I'm trying to make salty avocado ice cream for a culinary school project, but don't really know if it's possible. I've found several no-churn recipes, but mos

Why is chocolate generally sweet?

Apparently there is very little sugar in a cocoa pod so sugar is generally added in the chocolate production process. My question is why has it become the com

​What is the purpose of salt in fermented vegetables?

I'm trying to stay low on sodium so I limit salt intake to minimum wherever possible (most of it comes from bread, fermented vegetables or a tiny dash here and

How much salt does pasta absorb compared to rice?

Apparently if you cook both pasta or rice in salty water both will absorb salt. It seems to me the salt changes the taste of the pasta more than it changes the

Why does adding sugar/salt causes water to release?

This is purely practical observation. If I add pinch of sugar or salt, somehow automagically water appears in the pot. For example I had a week old cauliflower

Why add salt to the water when cooking pasta?

What is the effect of adding salt to the water when cooking pasta?

How to balance the spiciness in any kind of dishes

My question is about the spiciness of any kind of dish. I am having trouble balancing the spiciness in food. Sometime salt becomes sharp, and sometimes peppers

What should I do when I add too much salt to rice? [duplicate]

I accidentally added extra salt to my rice. Is there anything I can do now?

How do I know that the quantity of salt is enough for a given amount of flour? [duplicate]

When making bread during Ramadan, I can't taste the flour. Is there a known ratio of salt to flour when making bread?