Category "fruit"

Soon-to-be cultured milk with fresh fruit safe for consumption?

Recently my cousin started to make yogurt. She told me that she puts diced, fresh fruit (strawberries, peaches) into the inoculated milk (pasteurized or sterili

Why do they put the fruit on the bottom?

Why do they put fruit at the bottom of the yogurt? Why not at the top, or just mixed in?

What made my pancakes taste fizzy?

I made pancakes a couple times recently, and they had a strange reaction to some frozen raspberries we had. When we put the raspberries onto the pancakes, they

How much juice is in 1 pear

For a science project I need to know how much juice is in 1 pear or apple. I looked on the internet, but didn't find anything that answered my question.

How to pick good clementines and mandarins at the supermarket?

Sometimes I get some "dry" clementines with barely any juice, and sometimes they are juicy but bitter. How do I make sure they're juicy and not bitter?

Why is my avocado tough and rubbery?

This is the second avocado from the same bag that is tough and rubbery. The pit won't come out without leaving a skin, and it won't peel out of it's skin withou

What's this yellow plum-like fruit with a spiky stone? West Africa

I recently bought a couple of these from a fruit seller in Sierra Leone. On the right is the stone after eating the fruit. They're small-ish, a similar size to

Can durian be used as a cocktail ingredient?

I saw that a local Asian supermarket sells durian, so I picked one up, and was thinking that making an alcoholic drink for Christmas would be a great idea, but

How long should I let durian ripen in a freezer bag?

I recently picked up some cut up durian at an Asian supermarket, and since pre-packaged fruit normally is a little under ripe, I was wondering how long I shoul

Can I soak dried fruit in sweet wine instead of liqueur for use in fruitcakes?

The recipes for fruitcake that I've looked at say to soak the dried fruit in brandy, rum, etc., i.e., something with a high alcohol content. I've been using li

Skin oranges 24-h in advance?

I want to squeeze oranges quickly using the screw-type motorized juicers (e.g. Hurom). It would be good if I can have them pre-supremed and ready to be put in t

What's the difference between a cobbler, crisp, crumble, buckle, and betty?

I've heard all these terms at different times but never really understood the differences. What distinguishes various fruit-and-topping desserts such as a cobbl

Vegetable similar to ivy gourd?

I'm looking for the English name for a vegetable / fruit that looks like an Ivy Gourd. The taste is similar as well, but the texture is gritty. The Gujarati pro

How does produce grading in the US work?

The US has a lot of standards about grading produce. Is everything graded on the same scale (with the same labels)? What characteristics do the grades generally

What is this citrus fruit?

I had this delicious citrus fruit today that I'm having trouble identifying. I think it might be a tangelo, but I'm not sure. It was seedless and had a tangy/so

How to eat Rambutan?

I am having trouble separating the pit, or seed like thing, in a Rambutan. It easily comes out, but leaves a sticky layer of "bark" on the white part of the fr

why might the pineapple on the bottom of the pineapple-upside-down-cake float into the batter?

I have 2 pineapple upside down cakes. for one, the pineapple stayed on the bottom and can be seen beautifully when turned out of the pan. The other the fruit

Why are berries so expensive?

I am trying to eat healthier with less processed foods and I'm a pretty smart guy to begin with. But I can't figure this out for the life of me - why are berrie

Would freezing a whole pineapple change it visually?

If I freeze a whole pineapple with skin and stalk left attached, is the color likely to be affected? The fruit will be used for a fruit tray display only, so ta

Are calemondin leaves edible?

I have a little bush which lost quite a few leaves due to overwatering. They are healthy looking and fragment. I wonder if I can use them in a similar way to k