Category "coffee"

Cleaning out coffee pots and thermoses

Is there a commonly available cleaning solution I can use for coffee pots and infuser thermoses for coffee and tea? I have a number of these that are startin

What does it mean when powdered ingredients get thin strings?

I have found some strange strings in powdered ingredients in my kitchen. First time I noticed it in my instant coffee jar and I thought it maybe some kind of wo

Is it possible to make "coffee" with cacao? [closed]

I need to do a project for the uni, and my topic it's about cacao, and i need to create a new product with it, do you think it is possible or

Is weak coffee more likely to be bitter? Go big or go home. I typically use 2 tablespoons per cup. Weak coffee is more likely to be bitter. I

How long can powdered coffee remain fresh?

So, I hadn't had coffee for a long time. Plus, I was feeling a little sleepy in the morning so I decided to have a glass of coffee. It tasted a little different

Bold Setting on Coffee Maker

I have a 12-cup programmable coffee maker (of the now - defunct Sears variety) and used the "bold" setting to brew a stronger coffee for a specific recipe. But,

How did my Turkish Delights/lokum end up tasting like orange?

I made lokum, or Turkish Delights yesterday. I used the more traditional ingredients - cornstach, cream of tartar, sugar. From what I've researched of the dish

Is there a reason to have coffee grounds at the bottom of an espresso?

While having coffee at a fancy café earlier, we noticed that the espresso aswell as the cappuccino had large amounts of coffee grounds still sitting at t

waffle cones for serving lattes

I melted agar agar in almost boiling water and reduced the temperature to 115 F. I then coated the inside of waffle cones with the liquid. My cones are soggy.

How to toast whole nutmeg to put in coffee?

Playing mad scientist a bit, I tried putting some ground nutmeg in coffee, and I really thought it tasted neat, especially with brown sugar. I think it'd taste

Will artificial sweeteners work in a coffee syrup recipe?

Here’s the recipe for coffee syrup Ingredients for 1 cup of coffee syrup 2 cups sugar 1 cup strong coffee Directions Mix sugar with the coffee Boil mixtu

Coconut milk in iced coffee

I like using coconut milk in my coffee. However, during summer, I like putting ice in my coffee. Some part of the coconut milk clumps up around the ice. This is

Help with finding pod-based Coffee and Espresso maker

I'll preface my question by explaining that I'm not a coffee drinker myself so that whole world is a bit of a mystery. But I've been asked to buy a gift with th

How do I prepare (any) coffee with desired caffeine concentration?

I’m an student from Tampere, Finland, and I’m doing an essay on the effects of coffee (caffeine). However, how to determine the caffeine content in

Ideal Coffee Grind for dough-like recipes

Is there an ideal coffee grind for culinary (i.e. actual food, not beverages) use, particularly in dough? More particularly, when the coffee is the main ingredi

Can I make a cake with finely ground coffee instead of cocoa powder?

I used all my cocoa powder. Will it taste good if I use coffee instead? If anyone has done this before, please share your experiences and hints.

Why does coconut milk separate in coffee?

When I put coconut milk in coffee, curds and lumps form, which does not look good in coffee. When I heat coconut milk, curds are still form. What can I do to av

Alternatives to coffee

I'm very fond of coffee, in fact, I have a grinder, grind my own beans and use a coffee stove to make it. However, I've recently been advised to stop drinking

How to make coffee that closely resembles early 16-17th century coffees?

Making my coffee this morning, I found myself wondering what early coffee tasted like. I'm guessing quite different to modern coffee, both in how the beans were

What causes static in a coffee grinder's receptacle?

What causes static in a coffee grinder's receptacle? The question of how to reduce static has been asked multiple times on cooking SE (see https://cooking.sta