Category "cocktails"

Whiskey and Water

In his answer @user5561 indirectly makes the claim that it is 'preferable' to mix whiskey with water from the sam

Does gin "bruise"?

Inspired by a question about shaking vs stirring--part of what is unusual about Mr. Bond's request is that a martini is typically stirred rather than shaken; th

What is the purpose of bitters in cocktails?

What is the purpose of small amounts of bitters in cocktails? For example, 1/32nd tsp angostura bitters in a Manhattan? Do they provide any function other tha

How to choose appropriate drinkware for cocktails?

How do I choose the appropriate drinkware for cocktails? Is there really a difference between something served in a highball or shaker glass, and something s

How can I infuse alcohol with 'fragile' herbs?

I would like to infuse alcohol (gin specifically) with basil, but basil is quite a fragile plant and doesn't seem to react well to sitting in booze for a few da

Keeping crushed ice from melting, without it joining back together

You've got a cocktail party and need a supply of crushed ice through the night without having to continually bring out the blender. Leave it out and it melts q

Is there any difference between cheap and expensive vodka?

Vodka is supposed to be odorless and flavorless (with the exception of flavored vodkas). So if I switch to a dirt-cheap vodka, can I save some money? Is there

Is "angostura" (as in bitters) a flavor?

I'm confused by drink recipes calling for "Angosutra bitters". Is "angostura" (as in bitters) a specific flavor combination? Or is "Angosutra" a specific br

How can I smoothly sugar the rim?

Sometimes I end up with a nice even coating of sugar on my lemon drop's rim (it's served in a martini glass). But most of the time the sugar is clumpy and uneve

Bar ware - What kind of glass is this?

I'm trying to purchase some of these cocktail/martini glasses, but I can not find a name for them. If you search martini, you get a traditional martini glass (

How to determine the alcohol content of a mixed-drink?

Title says it all: How do I determine the alcohol content of a mixed-drink (Cocktail, Longdrink)? Note - I know the alcohol content of all ingredients.

How can I tweak this (US) Southern themed cocktail? [closed]

It periodically falls to me to produce thematically-sound cocktails for wife's Book Club meetings. Tomorrow, we are serving the Southern Disc

How can I make mocktails that actually taste like non-fruity cocktails? [closed]

My partner is a teetotaler and I have oral allergy syndrome, which means I am allergic to almost all raw fruit juices. We want to try making

Carbonated drinks in cocktail shakers?

I have a particular drink that is one of my favorites that I like to make at home. It's sort of an Old Fashioned, made with Jameson, Bitters, Cocktail Cherrie

Balance overly sweet liqueurs

When dealing with particularly sweet liqueurs, in particular Midori (a very sweet melon flavored liqueur), I tend to find their sugary nature overpowering the r

What kind of glass is this?

I would like to sell a pair of stemmed glasses, but do not know what to call them. They are quite large (7.5" tall, and the bowl is 5.75" wide) and say "0.5 de

What does "do." mean in old recipes?

I'm reading through a book of cocktails from 1865 and I often seen the measurement for a given ingredient listed as "do.". What does this mean? Examples: 4

What's the difference between Santa Cruz Rum and Jamaican Rum?

Reading through a book of cocktail recipes from the late 1800s, I notice some recipes call specifically for Santa Cruz rum and some call for Jamaican rum. Is th

How can I thicken margaritas?

I've been making margaritas and I've found that, unlike fancy bar/restaraunt bought margaritas, my margaritas come out more like a liquid drink with shaved ice

Will storing a mix of vermouths alter their taste?

The recipe I have for a manhattan cocktail calls for 2.5:.5:.5 Bourbon:dry vermouth:red vermouth. Will mixing the dry and red vermouth together and storing bef