Category "pickling"

Uncooked Pickled Fish: Can I recook it?

I made pickled salmon a few days ago. I clearly did not cook it enough before pickling it for four days in vinegar. It is basically raw and completely falling

Mushy homemade dill pickle chips

We made about 13 gallons of homemade dill pickles last summer. These are made with vinegar, not the fermented type. Water bathed for 15 minutes in quart jars.

How long do "quick" pickles last unrefrigerated?

I'll be opening a fried pickle concession stand in the next year. I want to make my own pickles because I'll be cutting them a way you cant buy from a store. I

Should I throw away a jar of olives that fizzed and bubbled upon opening?

Like the title says, I opened a jar of locally produced olives and it started to bubble like seltzer. Is it unsafe to eat?

Fermenting pickles - sun or shade?

I am fermenting pickles in a glass jar, using a brine of 1 TBS salt to a glass of water and a bit vinegar. Should I place the jar in a sunny location or in the

Should I par-boil my pickled potatoes before roasting them?

I am attempting to make some pickled fries, similar to However, I don't have a frier (nor do I want to fry on the s

Can pickled pepper oil be used as cooking oil?

I have about a half jar of pure pickled pepper oil as I have recently used up all of the peppers. The oil is a strange translucent color of yellow; I'm imaginin

Is there a basic ratio for dill pickle brine which will be safe for any vegetable?

I'm looking for a bare-bones dill pickle brine recipe (for safe canning, and long-term storage—not for refrigerator pickles). When I look online, I see al

How do I fix pickles that are too sour?

I made dill pickles using an old Ukrainian recipe fermenting the cucumbers in salt water. I wanted to can them when they were finished instead of keeping 10lbs

Making pickles or preserves from hedgehog cucumbers (cucumis africanus)

Tiny hedgehog cucumbers, cucumis africanus, are usually grown as ornamental. The blurb in the seed catalogue mentions they were historically pickled and preser

Bread and butter pickles without mustard seed?

I'm making bread and butter pickles and I ran out of mustard seed. What can I use instead? Or do I just skip it?

Can I get botulism by using 2 cups vinegar to 8 cups water when canning pickles - as most recipes require 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water?

I recently canned pickles using 2 cups vinegar to 8 cups water ratio but I see that most canning recipes ask for 1:1 ratio of vinegar to water. My question is:

Are refrigerator section pickles (Clausen) safe if left unrefrigerated?

I bought some Clausen Pickles, not knowing the jar said "always refrigerate'". I mean they were in the refrigerated section at Kroger. But They stayed up in my

Pickled/preserved lemons/limes - grams of salt per kilogram of fruit? [duplicate]

[I think this question here was originally too unclear.because I was still researching and figuring out exactly what I wanted to ask when I po

Do Morrocan-stye pickled lemons really need 5 to 10% salt?

I want to make Morrocan-stye pickled lemons, but I was only able to find one site with an explicit ratio, and it says: In On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee sug

What's the difference between pickling and fermentation in cabbage?

I was discussing various "cabbage things" on Cooking chat, including coleslaw, sauerkraut, and kimchi. One thing I noticed that confused me was that coleslaw W

What is the correct reference for amount of salt in lacto-fermenting?

When lacto-fermenting pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. do you do your salt calculations per amount of brine, or salt per volume of the pickling container? I m

Can you cut cucumbers when you make them in brine?

I'm trying to make Polish style cucumbers in brine (ogórki kiszone) but my jars are too small to fit cucumbers I can get in the supermarket. Can I just c

Temperature at which to pickle herrings

If the pickling process takes approximately 2-3 days, should the pickling process take place at room temperature? Or can it be done in a refrigerator?

What's the role of bread in pickling cucumbers?

In the summer, my mother always made Hungarian-style pickled cucumbers (kovászos uborka) by putting cucumbers, spices, salt, and water (no vinegar!) in a