Category "pickling"

Is it possible to re-use pickling liquid?

I have previously pickled some cucumber in a pickling liquid of mostly vinegar, which was kept in the fridge. I have now finished the pickled cucumbers, but wou

Sour pickles with Calcium Chloride?

I've read that putting grape leaves with your brine will help pickles stay crunchy. But those are hard to find. I've also heard that Calcium Chloride does the s

Jar opened once - is it still good for pickling?

I have recently been making pickled beetroots and they mostly came out fine except for one jar which has failed to get a vacuum seal. Now I put it back in the p

Do I need Malt Vinegar for pickling onions?

I intend to make several kilograms of pickled onions. Last time I made them, I just dumped in basically what ever vinegar i had to hand. A combination of white

Using Unused Pickling Juice

2 weeks ago I made 10 gallons of pickling juice for vegetables and only used 7 gallons. Today I decided to use the 3 remaining gallons of juice. I boiled the

Lacto Fermented Vegetables - Off Flavors

Is anyone aware of some solid reference information on lacto-fermented vegetables? I am especially interested technical information, such as what off flavors ma

Can you substitute honey for sugar in a pickling brine?

That's about it. I want to make some vinegar pickles (from the Momofuku cookbook, if it matters). My partner is on a diet that forbids refined sugar but allows

Are my pickled peppers safe to eat?

A few years ago, I got a wild hair and pickled some sweet and hot peppers out of my garden. It's been a while, but I remember buying the correct implements an

Can you dry out pickle brine to leave a seasoned salt?

Like the title says. Would it be safe and reasonable to dry out pickle brine till it crystallizes? It might have an interesting flavor as a seasoning (the acid

Pickling Frozen Fish

As someone with few opportunities to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, I try to do as much preparatory work as possible on my day off and then just have thing

How to get pickled mushrooms to be less sour?

I like pickled mushroom from a jar but I would prefer if they were less acidy/sour. Is there any way to increase the PH ? Will it work if I drain the juice th

What strength of brine will completely inhibit growth of lactobacillus (and friends)?

As per the title. How strong does a brine have to be before it will completely inhibit growth of the bacteria that are traditionally employed to create pickled

Blue garlic during pickling

How do I make the garlic not come out blue during pickling? I know it is safe to eat, I just do not like how it looks. I have used minced garlic but sometimes I

Pickles (cucumbers) came out a little soggy after canning

I was very excited to use my water bath for the first time, as so far I have only made refrigerator (cucumber) pickles. This was also the first time I did not u

Pickling whole cucumbers

I know you have to cut off the ends to make the pickles not soggy when making cucumber spears...but if this is the case how do people pickle whole cucumbers?

Why is it recommended to blanch onions before pickling them?

I was recently looking for a recipe to pickle onions, and among several others I found this one. Skimming through the comments I came across the same question a

Kimchi versus pickles: sterilized containers?

I've been reading up on how to make fermented foods and noticed something interesting - many of the recipes I've seen (pickled cucumbers, etc.) go to great leng

Accidently reduced salt in pickling recipe - are these pickles still safe?

A dill pickle recipe called for 1.5 cups vinegar, 1.5 cups water, and 2 tablespoons salt. I doubled the bring, but forgot to double the salt before canning my p

Is pickled herring cooked?

With respect to pickled herring, is the herring cooked before being put into the pickling solution? If not, what safety measures are in place to ensure bacter

replace kosher pickle brine after leak

I made kosher dills for a Christmas gift and they turned out great. The jar tipped in transit and leaked all the brine. Can I refill it? With what?