Category "pickles"

vinegar pickles safety

I recently made a large batch of mixed vegetable pickles (cucumber, onion, carrot, peppers, cauliflower, garlic) with a brine of 1 cup white vinegar to 3 cups w

Slime in Fermented Pickle brine

I have pickles that have been fermenting for 3 weeks now, which in my experience is the ideal length of time. When I checked on them, there is mucousy slime i

Can refrigerator pickles be processed?

I have a made refrigerator pickles and put them in jars with lids sealed. Can I now process them?

Why is my pickled red cabbage so pale?

Forgive me, but this is a very particular question: I love having pickled red cabbage at Turkish restaurants; it's delicious and the color is always a beautiful

What's this off-white particulate stuff on my pickled asparagus?

I just opened a new jar of Foster's pickled asparagus and discovered off-white particulate matter on the stalks: The stuff can be scraped off with a fingernail

What kind of pickle was this?

A while ago, I ate a charcuterie board that had, among other things, a strange pickled vegetable that I had never seen before and have not heard of since. I say

Clean non sterilized jar, bell pepper in a water-vinegar (50% to 50% ratio) with 3% salt brine; botulism risk?

After searching different websites I didn't find a clear answer to my doubts: noticed that while searching pickling mostly I got results referring to canning -

Techniques for using (Polish) Pickle Pots?

I have a pair of Polish Pickle Pots, something like this: But when I use them, I am yet to get good results. Mainly I've tried using them for sauerkraut (mayb

Why is my onion pickle taking super long?

I made an onion pickle recipe I saw on YouTube. It was a brine of water and vinegar (1:1) and salt. You boil it, then pour over onion. Let cool. Store in fridge

Taco Seasoning + Mustard smells like pickles

I made chicken burgers seasoned with taco seasoning mix, black pepper, and mustard. After letting it marinate on the meat for a while there was a strong sent of

white spots on top of indian pickle

I hav made carrot pickle in lemon juice 15 days ago . some white spots are formed on the top of the pickle and at the sides of the glass jar. Is the pickle safe