Category "fresh"

What's the best way to keep sushi fresh for the following day?

I like to prepare makizushi in the night so that I can take it in to Uni the following day and have it for lunch. They're made using nori, sushi rice and some v

How do I tell the freshness of raw chicken?

I just bought some fresh cut meat from the local market. I've cleaned it and put it for brining. The chicken is smelly and has a yellowish color. I also got a l

How to get fresh green peas?

I've only ever seen green peas in snow peas or snap peas, in the frozen food section, or in the bulk/dried foods section. When a recipe asks for x cups of fresh

Using toasted sesame oil in a cilantro "pesto"?

Pesto, chutney, whatever. I go on flavor profile "kicks", right now I am craving Asian - soups, stir fries, curries, you name it. Here's my thought. I want a s

Keeping bananas fresh for longer

Is there any way to keep bananas fresh for longer? We tried putting them in the fridge but their skins turn black very fast.

Roasting two ham roasts at once

I am cooking two fresh ham roasts at once for a large crowd. The instructions are for minutes per pound. Do I add my roasts for total pounds or figure for one

Shelf life and Validation of Coconut Milk?

I use coconut milk for a pasta dishes, then put the carton back in the fridge. I may use some of it for a coffee additive, the use plenty more for another past

Difference between Organic Bread and Fresh Bread

Please, what is the difference organic bread and fresh bread. People are getting me confused.

How do you prolong buns/rolls/scone/crumpet softness?

I thought this community is appropriate for this question so I want to know how to keep buns/rolls/scone/crumpet softness longer. In English I see several trans

How can I keep fruit salad fresh longer

I eat every morning fresh fruit, so every morning I peel and cut it. What can I do to prepare a big bowl and the fruit will stay fresh for a few days and which

When using fresh corn in place of canned or frozed, should I cook the corn first?

I have a couple recipes that call for frozen or canned corn. If I want to use fresh corn instead, should it be cooked first or will it cook with the rest of th

How to extend the freshness of salsa?

I often make salsa containing tomato, onion, garlic salt, green pepper, red pepper, lemon, and salt. I store it in a Glasslock container in the refrigerator. By

Is the lettuce inside the wilted outer leaves still good?

At the vegetable market, I noticed some sellers cutting away the wilted parts of lettuce, to sell much smaller, but green portions. I wonder if they are cheatin

How long is homemade spiced apple cider good for in a sealed Mason canning jar?

I bring the cider to a boil and simmer the spices for 15 minutes. Immediately after, I pour the cider into canning Mason glass jars with the lids that have the

New to grinding meat

I'm not sure how much of the fat to leave on the meat before I grind whether it be chicken, beef or Turkey What's the best method for grinding chicken vs beef

How do I tell if a rutabaga is fresh?

I recently bought a rutabaga from the store, having never done so before, and every single one on display had an oily feel to it - not sticky, but slick like it

gel substance to keep food moist?

I've seen this in mostly chain supermarket and Costco. When they make sushi, they would brush this clear gel like substance on the sushi maki roll either to k

Lobster Death! Freezer vs. Alcohol

I love lobster but I must admit I am not very good at cooking it. I want to make this easier on my self by just adding the lobster to a flavorful broth. I've

Fresh Herb Storage

I am trying to get some fresh herbs (Parsley and Dill for example) to stay fresh for some time. I have tried the water jar method which is just trimming ends of

Can I keep herbs fresh by spraying them with fertilizer?

I tend to use a lot of fresh herbs for cooking so over time with trial and error I have come up with this: It is possible to keep herbs fresh (Parsley and Dill