Category "fermentation"

Is there a maximum amount of time heavy cream can be fermented?

I want to ferment some heavy cream and was wondering how long can it be fermented for? Side question does reducing the ph of the cream mean it can be fermented

How much should a poolish increase in size?

I am making a bread recipe(White Flour with Poolish), according to Ken Forkish's Flour Water Salt Yeast. In the recipe, he indicates that the poolish should "t

Why is my white bread with poolish dough very loose?

I previously asked a question about the White Bread with Poolish from Ken Forkish's book Flour Water Salt Yeast. My first attempt with a flour that had 10% prot

What is the trick to kneading silk smooth bread?

I've been teaching myself how to make bread for a few weeks, had some success but never able to create dough that is completely smooth why? Following a recipe

Smen - Moroccan fermented butter.. best clarified or not?

I am making a 20kg batch for my niece's birth (I like the old traditions of the world!), and was wondering if anyone could direct me. There seems to be recipes

Black garlic: Is it possible to use a cheap rice cooker's keep warm function to make it?

I've been looking into black garlic and I read that if I take garlic and wrap it in foil and put it in a rice cooker on the keep warm function, it'll work. I h

What can I add to lactoferments?

I love fermenting my own hot sauce and kimchi (sauerkraut). I’ve safely added all sorts of vegetables (carrots, garlic, onion, etc) but want to experiment

"Post Brine" for Lacto-Fermented Cucumbers (Dill Pickles)

Once I have "pickles" pickled (pun intended)... how do I store them? Typically I make a very large batch and would like to transfer them to smaller vessels for

Fermenting by accident

I had made some lemonade for a party and now having some leftovers sitting on a counter for a few days it has started to ferment. The containers were all steril

Non-fermented vinegar substitute for Dijon mustard

My allergies prevent me from consuming yeast, alcoholic beverages and vinegar. I often substitute lemon juice for vinegar, but this does not always work. I'm

Mold in storage

I've been making my own saurkraut for about 2 years - with 1.5-2% as per the recipe that came with my crock. Today I noticed that two full, as yet unopened jar

White things growing on my carrot ferment?

I'm a newcomer to the world of lacto-fermentation. I've previously made my own sauerkraut with great success, and thought to dip into the unknown and try lacto

Low-calorie alternative to Lao Gan Ma spicy chili crisp?

I've become obsessed with Lao Gan Ma brand chili sauces. This "Old Godmother" brand sauce is apparently a phenomenon in China and feels like it's about to break

Day 8 of Sourdough Starter, is it still alive?

I started my starter 8 days ago. I stopped feeding it after Day 4. It has been left on the counter. It has been stirred but not fed for 4 days. Is my starter

Mold on a single floating chilli seed in lacto-fermentation. Is this a problem?

I made my first attempt at lacto-fermentation and decided to ferment some chillis. I used a 3% salt water solution and currently 8 days into my first fermentati

Fermentation Brine Percentage and Tannins

This is probably a 2 part question. When determining how much salt to add to my brine... what is the best method? Is the percentage based on the weight of the

ozone and its impact on cold fermentation

Baking is my new hobby and I am experimenting a lot. There is an interesting observation and a guess, I'd like to hear some opinions from more experienced baker

Can I use unpasteurized store bought miso to make more miso?

I have some leftover chickpeas and red beans that I was thinking of making into a miso paste, but I don't have any koji and don't want to go searching multiple

Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting

First attempt on fermenting mushrooms. Pretty low experience level in fermenting overall. So, what I did boiled them for a 1.5-2 hours mix broth and salt so it

How to use sourdough starter?

A week ago I mixed 1 part AP flour 1 parts tap water, keeping it at room temperature (18-24c). I've been discarding a bit and feeding it 1:1 daily. The last few